1. View Remote File, 2. Remote File Changes on Server Side, 3. View Remote Again doesnt show changes



1. View Remote File, 2. Remote File Changes on Server Side, 3. View Remote Again doesnt show changes

Let's say i view the error_log file found on the server. Now, let's say i sit in this directory and behind the scenes the server updates this error_log file but since i don't hit the refresh button (or F5) it still visually shows the error_log file as not updated. Now, if i go to view the error_log file again it still shows the old content. I would need to refresh the server side page before i could then view the file and see the changes.

Is there a way so that i don't have to hit refresh and it will still request from the server the latest error_log contents instead of relying on some local cache assumptions?
I already know there is a Preferences > Panels > Remote > Refresh remote Panel every xx secs but that seems kinda of overkill when WinSCP simply just has to make a request to the remote server for the same file instead of using the cache. In other words, i dont want it to cache.

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