Default ACL ignored while transferring file over SCP
I have a directory on my debian based server with default ACL to make all group members able to write all new files:
When I ceate a new file via SSH session, everything is ok:
Group developers can write to new file t1.txt
But when I create a file by WinSCP (new one (SHIFT+F4) or upload one from my windows desktop) the write privilages are not set:
What is more, when I create a file by WinSCP build-in console, the privileges are also OK (ACL is respected, developers can write the file). The problem is only while transferring a new file.
As in the post title - the conecition protocol is SCP, not FTP or SFTP.
I do not have checked an option "set privileges" in transfer settings. The problem occurs in all versions, including 5.17.8.
Am I missing something? How can I fix the problem?
user@server /some_path/app $ getfacl /some_path/app # file: some_path/app # owner: root # group: developers # flags: -s- user::rwx group::rwx other::--x default:user::rwx default:group::rwx default:group:www-data:r-x default:mask::rwx default:other::--x
When I ceate a new file via SSH session, everything is ok:
user@server /some_path/app $ touch t1.txt user@server /some_path/app $ getfacl t1.txt # file: t1.txt # owner: user # group: developers user::rw- group::rwx [b] #effective:rw-[/b] group:www-data:r-x #effective:r-- mask::rw- other::---
But when I create a file by WinSCP (new one (SHIFT+F4) or upload one from my windows desktop) the write privilages are not set:
user@server /some_path/app $ getfacl t2.txt # file: t2.txt # owner: user # group: developers user::rw- group::rwx [b]#effective:r--[/b] group:www-data:r-x #effective:r-- mask::r-- other::---
What is more, when I create a file by WinSCP build-in console, the privileges are also OK (ACL is respected, developers can write the file). The problem is only while transferring a new file.
As in the post title - the conecition protocol is SCP, not FTP or SFTP.
I do not have checked an option "set privileges" in transfer settings. The problem occurs in all versions, including 5.17.8.
Am I missing something? How can I fix the problem?