Default spreadsheet editor



Default spreadsheet editor

I am having a problem opening spreadsheets from WinSCP. I had both open office and Microsoft Office installed, at that point WinSCP was opening excel files with Open office, I want to use MS Office instead. I downloaded the spreadsheet in question, used "Open With" to open the file and set "always use this application" to set excel as the default app, WinSCP still uses Open Office however. I rebooted the computer, same deal. I then uninstalled Open Office, now when I try to open a spreadsheet WinSCP gives me an error:

"System Error. Code: 2. The system cannot find the file specified".

I can download the file so it is indeed there and has no issues, when I open the file I downloaded excel does open and the file is fine.

WinSCP is obviously not getting the proper default app settings from Windows (10 Pro). I am wondering if there is a way to set the default applications in WinSCP?

My last resort effort would be to uninstall WinSCP and reinstall, however, I am concerned about losing all of the FTP sites I have setup? Short of being able to select default apps to open files, can someone confirm if my sites will be wiped if I uninstall WinSCP? If so, is there a way to export the site settings so I can import them after re-installing?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this!

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Thank you for the reply.
Yes, I did have open office in the editors section. I had removed that and added excel but it started opening with notepad instead. After some poking around I realized the editor rules are processed in order from top to button, *.*=Notepad was above my excel rule so spreadsheets were opening in notepad. I dragged my excel rule to the top of the list and excel is opening now!
THanks again for your assistance.

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