Invalid access to memory - ntdll
I have configured an SSH local proxy which I access using a password (sent by the plink client over keyboard-interactive authentication, I believe). The same proxy string in Putty works.
plink -pw %pass %user@%proxyhost nc %host %port
WinSCP 5.9
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll
I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
plink -pw %pass %user@%proxyhost nc %host %port
WinSCP 5.9
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll.dll
(00064DA9) ntdll.dll
(000128F2) KERNEL32.DLL.BaseThreadInitThunk
(00064DE1) ntdll
I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.