Problem using WinSCPnet.dll inPowerShell, when in a CLASS [includes screen capture]



Problem using WinSCPnet.dll inPowerShell, when in a CLASS [includes screen capture]

I am having a problem using WinSCPnet.dll with PowerShell, in both ISE and VS2015.
I am running Windows 10, PowerShell V5 (version 5 build 10586 revision 122)
I have the WinSCPnet.dll file in two places, the program files (x86) and in the script directory.

I am using classes within my PowerShell script, which is where WinSCP is not being recognized.

The references to WinSCP within the class fail.
Unable to find type [WinSCP.Protocol]
My script looks like this:
$ScriptPath = $(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) 
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom( $(Join-Path $ScriptPath "WinSCPnet.dll") ) | Out-Null
sessionOptions1 = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
    Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::ftp
    FtpMode = [WinSCP.FtpMode]::Active
Class Ftp
        sessionOptions2 = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
            Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
            FtpMode = [WinSCP.FtpMode]::Active
* the references to [WinSCP.Protocol] and [WinSCP.FtpModel] within the class both underlined in RED. (see attachment)

When I run the script within ISE, I get this:
PS D:\> D:\testFTP.ps1
At D:\testFTP.ps1:14 char:29
+                 Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
+                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unable to find type [WinSCP.Protocol].
At D:\testFTP.ps1:15 char:28
+                 FtpMode = [WinSCP.FtpMode]::Active
+                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unable to find type [WinSCP.FtpMode].
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound
Within ISE I can "fix" this by typing the command within the script pane:
add-type -Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll'
* to update the RED underlines I have to edit something within the code

Within VS2015 community edition, I am stuck. I can't get it to acknowledge WinSCP at all.

I checked my DLL's, and they are not blocked. I registered the DLL and that didn't change anything. I want to stress that WinSCP is working for me outside of a CLASS. Within ISE, if I manually Add-Type to it, then WinSCP will work within a CLASS. This work around does not work with VS though.

What can I do to fix this, and how can I get this PowerShell script to work within VS?

Description: Screen capture of ISE with error text in script box.

powershell no winscp.PNG

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Problem using WinSCPnet.dll inPowerShell, when in a CLASS [includes screen capture]

I've never used PowerShell in Visual Studio. How do you do that? Can your post screenshot?

The screenshot your posted in from ISE, but that's solved, right?

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Re: Problem using WinSCPnet.dll inPowerShell, when in a CLASS [includes screen capture]

Here is a link: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
(screen capture attached)

I installed VS 2015 community edition and selected the 3rd party PowerShell support during the installation. You can add PowerShell support after the install by going to Tools / Extensions and Updates .. search for "PowerShell" and add.

Since I posted, I found that I can make my workaround get me going in VS also.

I am hoping there is a "more better" way to get ISE and VS to see WinSCP when working with PowerShell. Having to manually go into the interactive session to load WinSCP via Add-Type is clunky at best. It means that every time I load a script that uses WinSCP, I can't even run it within the shell until I do this workaround.

Opinion: PowerShell is likely to really takeoff. I am using version 5, and I see it as a best option for automating some of my processes. I am expecting it will become a major player in this kind of development.

(PowerShell Version 5 is included with Win10, available for Win8.1 and Srv2012)

Description: Powershell within VS2015

powershell no winscp.PNG

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Another Workaround, not sure if it's a good idea though...

I found that by adding WinSCP to the main profile, everything works. I don't know how detrimental this approach is regarding non-WinSCP scripts though.

Within PowerShell:

Check profiles
PS> $PROFILE | Format-List * -Force
Test AllUsersAllHosts profile
PS> test-path $PROFILE.AllUsersAllHosts
If false
PS> new-item $PROFILE.AllUsersAllHosts -ItemType file -Force
Modify the profile AllUsersAllHosts to add the WinSCP type (with the appropriate path)
#Add this line to the Profile.ps1 file AllUsersAllHosts 
add-type -Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll'

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Problem using WinSCPnet.dll inPowerShell, when in a CLASS [includes screen capture]

Thanks for sharing your solution.

I'll look into it.

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Re: Problem using WinSCPnet.dll inPowerShell, when in a CLASS [includes screen capture]

I have the same problem, only work loading the library from the profil.ps1 file,
I'm using this command but not work, I get the same error.
Add-Type -Path 'D:\PScripts\WinScp\WinSCPnet.dll'


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