<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
the remote server's access was disconnected and reset (all on static IPs) at a router inside the remote client's LAN.
I was connected to the remote's static IP at the NAT, and was passed from the internet IP to the server by static routing through 2 links behind (on the other side from me of) the NAT. then my PC went idle/to sleep
one of the static links was reset. I know this because I built the remote LAN and set up the routes myself, and was on the phone with the guy on-site when I told him to reset the link. after he reset, the server was no longer accessible (route was broken, and 2nd router out of the chain) and all my requests went to a different machine that is not an FTP server.
then I woke up my PC, and I assume it tried to find the server, but the route was now gone.
sorry; I know this is a complicated configuration, and SCP will probably continue just fine. If you want more information from me, please email me
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>
WinSCP 5.13
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(006EBBC8) TTerminalQueue::GetIsEmpty
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64
(0003F68A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017AA6) TCustomScpExplorerForm::CanCloseQueue
(00018298) TCustomScpExplorerForm::FormCloseQuery
(00218265) Vcl::Forms::TCustomForm::CloseQuery
(002599C9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00213E90) Vcl::Forms::TCustomForm::WndProc
The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.
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