text mode extension preference setting limit
Hi! I love this program! :D
You might not believe it, but I exhausted the limit of the string for specifying file extensions to be transferred in text mode. For my immediate need, I was able to merge a couple of specifications into one, so I had room for the new one, but in the longer term I may need more room in this field. Could you make the field longer, please?
Thanks again for a great program! :D
You might not believe it, but I exhausted the limit of the string for specifying file extensions to be transferred in text mode. For my immediate need, I was able to merge a couple of specifications into one, so I had room for the new one, but in the longer term I may need more room in this field. Could you make the field longer, please?
Thanks again for a great program! :D
Anthony Becker
Database Administrator
University Technology Services
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
Anthony Becker
Database Administrator
University Technology Services
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4401