Hey there,
I tried to upload al lot of Files to a Server using SFTP.
In the GUI-Mode I'm able to use 99,9% of the Network.
When I start WinSCP via Commandline the Networktraffic is between 30%-50%.
I tried to open parallel sessions first, but allways the same.
Then I tried the synchonize and mput command.
Allways the same...
So what can I do to improve the Transferspeed?
Is there a List with explenationof all the stetting in the Ini-File?
I tried to upload al lot of Files to a Server using SFTP.
In the GUI-Mode I'm able to use 99,9% of the Network.
When I start WinSCP via Commandline the Networktraffic is between 30%-50%.
I tried to open parallel sessions first, but allways the same.
Then I tried the synchonize and mput command.
Allways the same...
So what can I do to improve the Transferspeed?
Is there a List with explenationof all the stetting in the Ini-File?