Bypassing proxy
I'm trying to synch a folder using the winscp automation stuff but I need to bypass the network proxy. Here is my current code:
This works fine when transferring to an internal FTP server but not when going external to the network. In FileZilla I would just select the 'bypass proxy' checkbox and all is well but the code above just hangs indefinately.
Any help would be amazing!
Process winscp = new Process(); winscp.StartInfo.FileName = winScpLocation; winscp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; winscp.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; winscp.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; winscp.Start(); winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine("option batch abort"); winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine("option confirm off"); winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine("open ftp://" + ftpUserName + ":" + ftpPassword + "@" + ftpSite + " -passive=off"); winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine("put " + appOfflinePath); winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit"); winscp.StandardInput.Close(); winscp.WaitForExit();
This works fine when transferring to an internal FTP server but not when going external to the network. In FileZilla I would just select the 'bypass proxy' checkbox and all is well but the code above just hangs indefinately.
Any help would be amazing!