Occasional hang
Sometime WINSCP get stuck and doesn't exit (approximately one session every day). It is random and not related to a time of the day or another factor. I am also unable to reproduce it.
I am using WinSCP Version - Windows Server 2012.
The Perl part is like this one:
my $pobj; my $cmdline="\"$winscppath\" /console /script=$script /log=$log"; Win32::Process::Create($pobj, $winscppath, $cmdline, ,0, DETACHED_PROCESS, ".") || die "Create: $!"; do { $pobj>Wait(500) $pobj>GetExitCode($exitcode); if ($exitcode eq STILL_ACTIVE) { ... } }while ($exitcode eq STILL_ACTIVE && timeout);
The winscp script ($script file above) looks like:
option batch abort option confirm off open SFTP://XXXX:YYY@server -hostkey="ssh-rsa XXXXXXX" -rawsettings compression=1 option transfer binary cd FOLDER Put file1.ftp file1.ftp Put file2.ftp file2.ftp exit
See Winscp.ini and log in attachment.
I hope that it can point to root cause, even though reproducing the issue is not clear. Is there something wrong in my configuration? Is there a work around? Many thanks.