Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory


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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Error at receiving the remote directory name - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A466) ntdll.dll
(0000F12E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00015235) USER32.dll
(000158E5) USER32.dll
(0001FAAB) USER32.dll
(0001FAD1) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00015235) USER32.dll
(000158E5) USER32.dll
(00016D2C) USER32.dll
(00016DF5) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens.

Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008858F) ntdll.dll
(00075EDA) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00034911) USER32.dll
(0000C14E) USER32.dll
(0000B7F2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0006193A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00061921) COMCTL32.DLL
(0006175C) COMCTL32.DLL
(00034911) USER32.dll
(0000C14E) USER32.dll
(0000B7F2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00034911) USER32.dll
(0000C14E) USER32.dll
(0000BA82) USER32.dll
(0000B87A) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

I can reproduce the problem.

I attempted to open a mysql instance with the terminal(bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &). It gave a system error and showed popup that had options like ok and reconnect. I hit reconnect. Every time I hit the ..(back)folder it gives this error.

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A7EA) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A7EA) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00619316) TCustomUnixDriveView::Change
(002532F2) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::CNNotify
(003DE479) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::CNNotify
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(002535AE) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::WndProc
(0021C76F) Vcl::Controls::_17076
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0021BC50) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::MainWndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(00015DE8) USER32.dll
(00015E49) USER32.dll
(0000F137) ntdll.dll.KiUserCallbackDispatcher
(000186D0) USER32.dll.SendMessageW
(0002B06D) COMCTL32.DLL
(000A846F) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004B30B) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004B226) COMCTL32.DLL
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0021C71A) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::DefaultHandler
(003DE4D9) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::WMLButtonDown
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote



Errore ottenendo nome cartella remota attuale - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Errore ottenendo nome cartella remota attuale.

Accesso alla memoria non valido.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A7EA) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.5

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(007E39EA) C4799_0
(007E5A52) ____ExceptionHandler
(007E29CC) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00712B16) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0070EACA) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00614E2F) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0061328E) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C2F9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260227) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034021C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FEE43) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034021C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

pegrimes@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008858F) ntdll.dll
(00075EDA) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00034911) USER32.dll
(0000C14E) USER32.dll
(0000B7F2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0006193A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00061921) COMCTL32.DLL
(0006175C) COMCTL32.DLL
(00034911) USER32.dll
(0000C14E) USER32.dll
(0000B7F2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00034911) USER32.dll
(0000C14E) USER32.dll
(0000BA82) USER32.dll
(0000B87A) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(0003EE3E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64
(0003F5BA) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00616007) @TUnixDirView@ChangeDirectory$qqr20System@UnicodeString
(00614452) @TUnixDirView@ExecuteFile$qqrp22Vcl@Comctrls@TListItem
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000C6C0) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0003D11F) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0003D101) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000C6C0) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00009625) USER32.DLL
(0000967B) USER32.DLL.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C53F) ntdll.dll
(00069D7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00076D3A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076D21) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076B5C) COMCTL32.DLL
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(0001308C) USER32.dll
(00012E4B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.6

Error message:
Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant.

Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(007E46BA) C4799_3
(007E6722) ____ExceptionHandler
(007E369C) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A466) ntdll.dll
(0000F12E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00713702) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0070F6B6) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006154B7) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00613902) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C315) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260243) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(003402A8) System::Classes::_18201
(00015235) USER32.dll
(000158E5) USER32.dll
(0001FAAB) USER32.dll
(0001FAD1) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FEE7F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(003402A8) System::Classes::_18201
(00015235) USER32.dll
(000158E5) USER32.dll
(00016D2C) USER32.dll
(00016DF5) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.6

Error message:
Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant.

Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(007E46BA) C4799_3
(007E6722) ____ExceptionHandler
(007E369C) __ExceptionHandler
(0003CF4E) ntdll.dll
(0003CDB6) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00713702) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0070F6B6) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006154B7) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00613902) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C315) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260243) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(003402A8) System::Classes::_18201
(00006691) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(00007BA5) USER32.DLL
(0000DE4B) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(000331A8) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0003318A) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0002723F) COMCTL32.DLL
(00032F64) COMCTL32.DLL
(00006691) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(00007BA5) USER32.DLL
(0000DE4B) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(003FEE7F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(003402A8) System::Classes::_18201
(00006691) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(00007BA5) USER32.DLL
(00007463) USER32.DLL
(00008C3B) USER32.DLL.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens.

Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A7EA) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

gt_damager@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens.

Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C54F) ntdll.dll
(00069D8A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00076D3A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076D21) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076B5C) COMCTL32.DLL
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(0001308C) USER32.dll
(00012E4B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(0037F044) System::Syncobjs::_16501
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0003EE3E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64
(0003F5BA) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000C6C0) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0003D11F) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0003D101) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000C6C0) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00009625) USER32.DLL
(0000967B) USER32.DLL.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C61F) ntdll.dll
(00069E6A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00076D3A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076D21) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076B5C) COMCTL32.DLL
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(0001308C) USER32.dll
(00012E4B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(000455C6) ntdll.dll.RtlRaiseStatus
(00045452) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000176EC) USER32.dll
(00017871) USER32.dll
(000133CA) USER32.dll
(000133F0) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000176EC) USER32.dll
(00017871) USER32.dll
(000179B0) USER32.dll
(00017E97) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your reports.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

On Windows 10 Home x64, WinSCP throws access violations after hibernate (literally always).
Reconnecting does not solve the issue, you need to entirely restart the client.

Reproduce the error:
Run WinSCP, connect anywhere you like.
Hibernate your PC, wake it up, reconnect WinSCP and try to change a folder (as in navigate to different CWD i.e. cd ../ cd www ...).
You can proceed by hitting "OK" in most cases but to get rid of the dialog after every folder change, you need to close WinSCP and restart it.

Sidenote: Hibernate can also cause the "Error getting the name of current remote directory" error, thus I believe might be a problem with memory reserving.
Didn't have time to disassemble and trace in Olly yet.

WinSCP 5.7

Error message:
Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens.

Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(0072F073) WinSCP.exe.[00730073]
[018605DE] C4725_0
[01862646] ____ExceptionHandler
[0185F5C0] __ExceptionHandler
[77C8D54F] ntdll.dll
[77C7AD8A] ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[01790A1E] TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
[0178C892] TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
[01693D53] TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
[01692216] TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
[01459FD0] Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
[0129C755] Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
[012E0683] Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
[013C0678] System::Classes::_18201
[760E4921] USER32.dll
[760C478B] USER32.dll
[760C4522] USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
[73D37D21] COMCTL32.DLL
[760E4921] USER32.dll
[760C478B] USER32.dll
[760C4522] USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
[0147F24F] Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
[013C0678] System::Classes::_18201
[760E4921] USER32.dll
[760C478B] USER32.dll
[760C408C] USER32.dll
[760C3E4B] USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Re: Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Sidenote: Hibernate can also cause the "Error getting the name of current remote directory" error, thus I believe might be a problem with memory reserving.
Didn't have time to disassemble and trace in Olly yet.

--- It's basically the same message just in english. Didn't clarify that.

WinSCP 5.7

--- I'm running a newer version of WinSCP on another laptop, but the error occurs there as well

Reply with quote


Re: Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

christian@... wrote:

Reproduce the error:
Run WinSCP, connect anywhere you like.
Hibernate your PC, wake it up, reconnect WinSCP and try to change a folder (as in navigate to different CWD i.e. cd ../ cd www ...).
You can proceed by hitting "OK" in most cases but to get rid of the dialog after every folder change, you need to close WinSCP and restart it.

Since I only ran into said problem after hibernate mode, I googled for possible reasons of ram access issue.
Turns out windows does NOT store 100% of the ram contents on your harddisk by default, thus some values stored in memory may get lost.

Try this workarround:
1. run CMD.exe as administrator
2. run powercfg -h -size 100%

Next time you set window to sleep ("hibernate"), it will store the FULL memory to the harddisk and thus no memory access issues should occur.


Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.

I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Anonymous wrote:

Since I only ran into said problem after hibernate mode, I googled for possible reasons of ram access issue.
Turns out windows does NOT store 100% of the ram contents on your harddisk by default, thus some values stored in memory may get lost.

Try this workarround:
1. run CMD.exe as administrator
2. run powercfg -h -size 100%

Next time you set window to sleep ("hibernate"), it will store the FULL memory to the harddisk and thus no memory access issues should occur.

Thanks for sharing this. But the default 75% does not mean that only 75% percent of memory is preserved. I means that Windows reserves space on the disk for 75% of the total memory. But the hiberfil is compressed, so typically the 75% is ok. Were it not, Windows does not allow the hibernation. It would definitely not loose memory and let applications crash on resuming.


Reply with quote



Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant.

Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Re: Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

martin wrote:

Thanks for sharing this. But the default 75% does not mean that only 75% percent of memory is preserved. I means that Windows reserves space on the disk for 75% of the total memory. But the hiberfil is compressed, so typically the 75% is ok. Were it not, Windows does not allow the hibernation. It would definitely not loose memory and let applications crash on resuming.


Hello Martin,

Thanks for your fast response.

I am running the debug version but the error does not occur anymore since I did the changes to hiberfil mentioned above.
I will revert the changes and see if the problem returns, just to be on the safe site.
Also I run multiple connections in WinSCP simultanously (different servers), if that matters in any way.

With kind regards

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.6

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E46BA) C4799_3
(007E6722) ____ExceptionHandler
(007E369C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00713702) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0070F6B6) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006154B7) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00613902) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C315) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260243) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(003402A8) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FEE7F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(003402A8) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Opening P through crtl+P. Invalid access to memory error on navigating the remote directory.

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C54F) ntdll.dll
(00069D8A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00619316) TCustomUnixDriveView::Change
(002532F2) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::CNNotify
(003DE479) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::CNNotify
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(002535AE) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::WndProc
(0021C76F) Vcl::Controls::_17076
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0021BC50) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::MainWndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(0001336B) USER32.dll
(0001A177) USER32.dll
(00069D64) ntdll.dll.KiUserCallbackDispatcher
(00012A2E) USER32.dll.SendMessageW
(000659B8) COMCTL32.DLL
(00037957) COMCTL32.DLL
(000377BE) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004ED58) COMCTL32.DLL
(0002E5D1) COMCTL32.DLL
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0021C71A) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::DefaultHandler
(003DE4D9) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::WMLButtonDown
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto

Acceso a memoria no válido

Traza de la pila:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00619316) TCustomUnixDriveView::Change
(002532F2) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::CNNotify
(003DE479) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::CNNotify
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(002535AE) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::WndProc
(0021C76F) Vcl::Controls::_17076
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0021BC50) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::MainWndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(00015DE8) USER32.dll
(00015E49) USER32.dll
(0000F117) ntdll.dll.KiUserCallbackDispatcher
(000186D0) USER32.dll.SendMessageW
(0002B06D) COMCTL32.DLL
(000A846F) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004B30B) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004B226) COMCTL32.DLL
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0021C71A) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::DefaultHandler
(003DE4D9) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::WMLButtonDown
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Description: Every time when I try to open folder.


Reply with quote


Błąd podczas pobierania nazwy bieżącego katalogu zdalnego - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<I think i have bad coding in my debuian>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Błąd podczas pobierania nazwy bieżącego katalogu zdalnego.

Naruszenie ochrony pamęci.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A61F) ntdll.dll
(00077E7A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006144B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(003D9EB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CBA) COMCTL32.dll
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.dll
(00098ADC) COMCTL32.dll
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00616007) @TUnixDirView@ChangeDirectory$qqr20System@UnicodeString
(00614452) @TUnixDirView@ExecuteFile$qqrp22Vcl@Comctrls@TListItem
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD32) USER32.dll
(0001FD58) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

tried to run a command prompt to change the ownership of a directory and it timed out. Then when I tried to check the ownership of the folder contents or go back up to the root directory I got this error.

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(007113FA) TTerminal::SetCurrentDirectoryW
(0061594A) TUnixDirView::SetPath
(003DAE49) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::HistoryGo
(00007C63) TCustomScpExplorerForm::HistoryGo
(00382614) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(0016A155) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167CE) USER32.dll
(00016895) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

WinSCP was logged on to my server for long may be for a day. The server is having intermittent disconnection issues (both on SCP & Putty). This could be related to that problem.

<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C54F) ntdll.dll
(00069D8A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(007113FA) TTerminal::SetCurrentDirectoryW
(0061594A) TUnixDirView::SetPath
(0002167E) TCustomScpExplorerForm::RemotePathComboBoxItemClick
(0043B305) Tbxextitems::TTBXComboBoxItem::DoListClick
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(0001308C) USER32.dll
(00012E4B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.7.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(007E08AA) C4799_0
(007E2912) ____ExceptionHandler
(007DF88C) __ExceptionHandler
(0008137F) ntdll.dll
(0006EF1A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00714252) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(00710206) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(00616007) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00614452) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0021C609) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00260537) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(0002C271) USER32.dll
(0000D845) USER32.dll
(0000CED2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0007957A) COMCTL32.dll
(00079561) COMCTL32.dll
(0007939C) COMCTL32.dll
(0002C271) USER32.dll
(0000D845) USER32.dll
(0000CED2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(003FF173) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0034059C) System::Classes::_18201
(0002C271) USER32.dll
(0000D845) USER32.dll
(0000D19F) USER32.dll
(0000CF5B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.1

Error message:
No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto

Acceso a memoria no válido

Traza de la pila:
(0089C862) C5067_0
(0089E8CA) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089B684) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079E642) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A057) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CA13) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066AF7A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A284) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(00417C72) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041883F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257BA1) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BACF) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037BB94) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0043DD0B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037BB94) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0089CECD) C5067_0
(0089E4A7) _ReThrowException
(0079B8C6) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0079E642) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A057) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CA13) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066AF7A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A284) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(00417C72) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041883F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButton

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.2

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0089C9C2) C5067_3
(0089EA2A) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089B7E4) __ExceptionHandler
(00045416) ntdll.dll.RtlRaiseStatus
(000452A2) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079E796) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A1AB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CB67) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B06A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(00417D56) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00418923) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257C85) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BBB3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037BC78) System::Classes::_18201
(000176EC) USER32.dll
(00017871) USER32.dll
(000133CA) USER32.dll
(000133F0) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0043DE5F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037BC78) System::Classes::_18201
(000176EC) USER32.dll
(00017871) USER32.dll
(000179B0) USER32.dll
(00017E97) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0089D02D) C5067_3
(0089E607) _ReThrowException
(0079BA1A) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0079E796) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A1AB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CB67) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B06A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(00417D56) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00418923) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257C85) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BBB3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote

Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.2

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(0089C9C2) C5067_3
(0089EA2A) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089B7E4) __ExceptionHandler
(000851DF) ntdll.dll
(00073161) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079E796) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A1AB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CB67) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B0CE) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A36C) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(00417D56) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00418923) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257C85) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BBB3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037BC78) System::Classes::_18201
(00032429) USER32.dll
(0002488E) USER32.dll
(0001A312) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00057059) COMCTL32.DLL
(0005712E) COMCTL32.DLL
(00032429) USER32.dll
(0002488E) USER32.dll
(0001A312) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0043DE5F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037BC78) System::Classes::_18201
(00032429) USER32.dll
(0002488E) USER32.dll
(0002421D) USER32.dll
(00023FEB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0089D02D) C5067_3

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.3

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0089D34A) C5067_0
(0089F3B2) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089C16C) __ExceptionHandler
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079EFDE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A9F3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066D11B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B682) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00038DCF) TNonVisualDataModule::ExplorerActionsExecute
(003BDE00) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A4F39) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0037BCBC) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0089D9B5) C5067_0
(0089EF8F) _ReThrowException
(0079C262) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0079EFDE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A9F3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066D11B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B682) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00038DCF) TNonVisualDataModule::ExplorerActionsExecute
(003BDE00) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A4F39) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0037BCBC) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.3

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0089D34A) C5067_0
(0089F3B2) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089C16C) __ExceptionHandler
(000851DF) ntdll.dll
(00073161) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079EFDE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A9F3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066D11B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B682) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A3B0) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(00417D9A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00418967) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257CC9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BBF7) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037BCBC) System::Classes::_18201
(00032429) USER32.dll
(0002488E) USER32.dll
(0001A312) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00057059) COMCTL32.DLL
(0005712E) COMCTL32.DLL
(00032429) USER32.dll
(0002488E) USER32.dll
(0001A312) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0043DEA3) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037BCBC) System::Classes::_18201
(00032429) USER32.dll
(0002488E) USER32.dll
(0002421D) USER32.dll
(00023FEB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0089D9B5) C5067_0
(0089EF8F) _ReThrowException
(0079C262) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0079EFDE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A9F3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066D11B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B682) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A3B0) Customdirview::TCust

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote

Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.3

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0089D34A) C5067_0
(0089F3B2) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089C16C) __ExceptionHandler
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64
(0003F68A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079EFDE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A9F3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066D11B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066B682) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A3B0) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(00417D9A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00418967) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257CC9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BBF7) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037BCBC) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00013D90) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0003D11F) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0003D101) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00013D90) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0043DEA3) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037BCBC) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000966A) USER32.DLL
(000096DB) USER32.DLL.DispatchMessageW

(0089D9B5) C5067_0
(0089EF8F) _ReThrowException
(0079C262) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0079EFDE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A9F3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066D11B) TUnixDirV

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(008B9FD2) C5101_3
(008BC03A) ____ExceptionHandler
(008B8DF4) __ExceptionHandler
(00081D0F) ntdll.dll
(0006F88A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BAF5E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B66E7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067836B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00676842) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041B79E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041C36F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(002599C9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029D8F7) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037ED14) System::Classes::_18201
(0002C2B1) USER32.dll
(0000D895) USER32.dll
(0000CF22) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0007957A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00079561) COMCTL32.DLL
(0007939C) COMCTL32.DLL
(0002C2B1) USER32.dll
(0000D895) USER32.dll
(0000CF22) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00441113) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037ED14) System::Classes::_18201
(0002C2B1) USER32.dll
(0000D895) USER32.dll
(0000D1EF) USER32.dll
(0000CFAB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BA63D) C5101_3
(008BBC17) _ReThrowException
(007B812E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008B9FD2) C5101_3
(008BC03A) ____ExceptionHandler
(008B8DF4) __ExceptionHandler
(0007C53F) ntdll.dll
(00069D8A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BAF5E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B66E7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067836B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006768A6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041DDB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041B79E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041C36F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(002599C9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029D8F7) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037ED14) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00076D3A) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076D21) COMCTL32.DLL
(00076B5C) COMCTL32.DLL
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(00013522) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00441113) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037ED14) System::Classes::_18201
(00033921) USER32.dll
(0001378B) USER32.dll
(0001308C) USER32.dll
(00012E4B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BA63D) C5101_3
(008BBC17) _ReThrowException
(007B812E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BAF5E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B66E7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067836B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006768A6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041DDB8) Customdirview::TCustom

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Erro obtendo o nome do diretório remoto atual - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.11.1

Error message:
Erro obtendo o nome do diretório remoto atual.

Acesso inválido à memória

Rastreamento de pilha:
(0089C862) C5067_0
(0089E8CA) ____ExceptionHandler
(0089B684) __ExceptionHandler
(0008A63F) ntdll.dll
(00077E9A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0079E642) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A057) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CA13) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066AF7A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041A284) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(00417C72) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041883F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00257BA1) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029BACF) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037BB94) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00098CA1) COMCTL32.DLL
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(000159D2) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0043DD0B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037BB94) System::Classes::_18201
(000374F1) USER32.dll
(00015C3B) USER32.dll
(0001553C) USER32.dll
(000152FB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0089CECD) C5067_0
(0089E4A7) _ReThrowException
(0079B8C6) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0079E642) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0079A057) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0066CA13) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0066AF7A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Erro obtendo o nome do diretório remoto atual - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

I have opened a terminal and run a grep command that took a long time (about 30 minutes to complete). After I closed the terminal, no matter what folder I browse into it displays that message but the interface works: I click the ok button and the interface works with no problems until, ofcourse, I want to change the directory when the error message pops up again. I hit the ok button and everything still works: I can edit files etc. After restarting the session (not exiting from winscp) I can browse through the folders without that error message. Hope it helps

WinSCP 5.13.1

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BA3F6) C5101_0
(008BC45E) ____ExceptionHandler
(008B9218) __ExceptionHandler
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64
(0003F68A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BB2DA) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B6A63) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006784E7) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006769BE) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041B7EA) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041C3BB) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00259A15) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029D943) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0037ED60) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00013D90) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0003D11F) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0003D101) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00013D90) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0044115F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0037ED60) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000966A) USER32.DLL
(000096DB) USER32.DLL.DispatchMessageW

(008BAA61) C5101_0
(008BC03B) _ReThrowException
(007B84AA) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BB2DA) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B6A63) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006784E7) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006769BE) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.2

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(003F295A) System::UStrAsg
(008BC642) C5104_0
(008BE6AA) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BB464) __ExceptionHandler
(00062496) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BD36A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8AF3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A47B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678952) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041D75A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E32B) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025AEE1) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EE0F) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0038022C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(004430CF) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0038022C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BCCAD) C5104_0
(008BE287) _ReThrowException
(007BA53A) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BD36A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8AF3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A47B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678952) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041D75A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E32B) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025AEE1) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EE0F) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<change directory>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.3

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BCA5A) C5104_0
(008BEAC2) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BB87C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007DA8F) ntdll.dll
(0006B6B1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A5BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678AFA) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041FEB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041D89E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E46F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EF53) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443213) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BD0C5) C5104_0
(008BE69F) _ReThrowException
(007BA6EA) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A5BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678AFA) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041FEB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041D89E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E46F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EF53) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443213) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.3

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BCA5A) C5104_0
(008BEAC2) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BB87C) __ExceptionHandler
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(00000EC9) symsrv.dll.crc32
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067DAA6) TCustomUnixDriveView::Change
(00291D0E) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::CNNotify
(00424059) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::CNNotify
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00291FCA) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomTreeView::WndProc
(0025B18B) Vcl::Controls::_17076
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0025A66C) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::MainWndProc
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(00015DE3) USER32.dll
(00015E41) USER32.dll
(0000F137) ntdll.dll.KiUserCallbackDispatcher
(000186C0) USER32.dll.SendMessageW
(0002B06D) COMCTL32.DLL
(000A846F) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004B30B) COMCTL32.DLL
(0004B226) COMCTL32.DLL
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0025B136) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::DefaultHandler
(004240A9) Customdriveview::TCustomDriveView::WMLButtonDown
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.Ca

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BDC8E) C5104_3
(008BFCF6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BCAB0) __ExceptionHandler
(0007DA8F) ntdll.dll
(0006B6B1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679912) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BE2F9) C5104_3
(008BF8D3) _ReThrowException
(007BB87E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679912) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant.

Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(008BDC8E) C5104_3
(008BFCF6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BCAB0) __ExceptionHandler
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(007BB0F2) TTerminal::SetCurrentDirectoryW
(0067AD52) TUnixDirView::SetPath
(00047D76) TScpCommanderForm::RemotePathLabelPathClick
(00415D9D) Pathlabel::TCustomPathLabel::DoPathClick
(00414604) Pathlabel::TCustomPathLabel::Click
(00257891) Vcl::Controls::TControl::WMLButtonUp
(00256ACC) Vcl::Controls::TControl::Perform
(0025B2A3) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::IsControlMouseMsg
(0025B01C) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::MainWndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BE2F9) C5104_3
(008BF8D3) _ReThrowException
(007BB87E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(007BB0F2) TTerminal::SetCurrentDirectoryW
(0067AD52) TUnixDirView::SetPath
(00047D76) TScpCommanderForm::RemotePathLabelPathClick
(00415D9D) Pathlabel::TCustomPathLabel::DoPathClick
(00414604) Pathlabel::TCustomPathLabel::Click
(00257891) Vcl::Controls::TControl::WMLButtonUp
(00256ACC) Vcl::Controls::TControl::Perform

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

adrian.atudor@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BDC8E) C5104_3
(008BFCF6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BCAB0) __ExceptionHandler
(0007DA8F) ntdll.dll
(0006B6B1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679912) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BDC8E) C5104_3
(008BFCF6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BCAB0) __ExceptionHandler
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679976) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(004208E0) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BE2F9) C5104_3
(008BF8D3) _ReThrowException
(007BB87E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679976) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(004208E0) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.3

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(008BCA5A) C5104_0
(008BEAC2) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BB87C) __ExceptionHandler
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A5BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678A96) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041D89E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E46F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EF53) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443213) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BD0C5) C5104_0
(008BE69F) _ReThrowException
(007BA6EA) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A5BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678A96) TUnix

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BDC8E) C5104_3
(008BFCF6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BCAB0) __ExceptionHandler
(000624F6) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679976) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(004208E0) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BE2F9) C5104_3
(008BF8D3) _ReThrowException
(007BB87E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679976) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(004208E0) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

Ajout Commentaire utilisateur:

L'erreur survient lorsque je veux accéder à un répertoire distant via le protocole SFTP3 avec authentification RSA 4096 bits (pour mon cas).
[/quote]L'erreur apparait, je l'ignore et je peux accéder au dossier sélectionné mais elle revient à chaque fois que je veux accéder à un dossier.

L'accès en SSH s'effectue normalement, sans erreur via le logiciel PuTTY.

Serveur utilisé: Raspberry 3B+ sous Raspbian (à jour)
Client utilisé: PC sous Windows 10 Famille 64bits

Fin du Commentaire utilisateur

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Erreur lors l'établissement du nom du répertoire distant.

Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(008BDC8E) C5104_3
(008BFCF6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BCAB0) __ExceptionHandler
(0007DABF) ntdll.dll
(0006B6E1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679912) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BE2F9) C5104_3
(008BF8D3) _ReThrowException
(007BB87E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679912) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.2

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BC642) C5104_0
(008BE6AA) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BB464) __ExceptionHandler
(0007DABF) ntdll.dll
(0006B6E1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BD36A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8AF3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A47B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006789B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00039E13) TNonVisualDataModule::ExplorerActionsExecute
(003C2370) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A8151) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0038022C) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BCCAD) C5104_0
(008BE287) _ReThrowException
(007BA53A) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BD36A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8AF3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A47B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006789B6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00039E13) TNonVisualDataModule::ExplorerActionsExecute
(003C2370) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A8151) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0038022C) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



获取当前远程目录名出错。 - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.5

Error message:


Stack trace:
(008BED3E) C5105_0
(008C0DA6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BDB60) __ExceptionHandler
(00045A86) ntdll.dll
(0000F13E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BF662) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BADEB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C3BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067A7D6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00420AA8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E48E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F05F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BB95) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FAC3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380EE0) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD22) USER32.dll
(0001FD48) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443E23) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380EE0) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BF3A9) C5105_0
(008C0983) _ReThrowException
(007BC832) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BF662) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BADEB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C3BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067A7D6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00420AA8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E48E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoE

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: 获取当前远程目录名出错。 - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0007DABF) ntdll.dll
(0006B6E1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0067B43B) @TUnixDirView@ChangeDirectory$qqr20System@UnicodeString
(00679912) @TUnixDirView@ExecuteFile$qqrp22Vcl@Comctrls@TListItem
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0067B43B) @TUnixDirView@ChangeDirectory$qqr20System@UnicodeString
(00679912) @TUnixDirView@ExecuteFile$qqrp22Vcl@Comctrls@TListItem
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.3

Error message:
No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto

Acceso a memoria no válido

Traza de la pila:
(008BCA5A) C5104_0
(008BEAC2) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BB87C) __ExceptionHandler
(0007DABF) ntdll.dll
(0006B6E1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A5BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678AFA) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041FEB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041D89E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E46F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EF53) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443213) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BD0C5) C5104_0
(008BE69F) _ReThrowException
(007BA6EA) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BD51A) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B8CA3) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067A5BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00678AFA) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0041FEB8) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041D89E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041E46F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B025) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029EF53) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443213) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380370) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote



Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.6

Error message:
Fehler beim Empfang des entfernten Verzeichnisnamens.

Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(008BF022) C5105_0
(008C108A) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BDE44) __ExceptionHandler
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll
(00071931) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BF946) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB0CF) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C697) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067AA4A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E6C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F297) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BDCD) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FCFB) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(000741FF) COMCTL32.dll
(0007429E) COMCTL32.dll
(00073F9C) COMCTL32.dll
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(004440FB) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000353D6) USER32.dll
(000351AB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BF68D) C5105_0
(008C0C67) _ReThrowException
(007BCB16) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BF946) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB0CF) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C697) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067AA4A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E6C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F297) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BDCD) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FCFB) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(000741FF) COMCTL32.dll
(0007429E) COMCTL32.dll
(00073F9C) COMCTL32.dll
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(004440FB) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000353D6) USER32.dll
(000351AB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.5

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BED3E) C5105_0
(008C0DA6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BDB60) __ExceptionHandler
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll
(00071931) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BF662) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BADEB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C3BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067A7D6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00039F4F) TNonVisualDataModule::ExplorerActionsExecute
(003C3024) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A8E05) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(00380EE0) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000353D6) USER32.dll
(000351AB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BF3A9) C5105_0
(008C0983) _ReThrowException
(007BC832) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BF662) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BADEB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C3BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067A7D6) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00039F4F) TNonVisualDataModule::ExplorerActionsExecute
(003C3024) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A8E05) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(00380EE0) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000353D6) USER32.dll
(000351AB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


External exception C000001D - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.4

Error message:
External exception C000001D

Stack trace:
(001FF045) Vcl::Graphics::_16695
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BE6AE) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007B9E37) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067B43B) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(00679912) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E2C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041EE97) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025B9D5) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029F903) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443C3B) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380D20) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.2

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0005A466) ntdll.dll
(0000F12E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0067A47B) @TUnixDirView@ChangeDirectory$qqr20System@UnicodeString
(006789B6) @TUnixDirView@ExecuteParentDirectory$qqrv
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD22) USER32.dll
(0001FD48) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(0067A47B) @TUnixDirView@ChangeDirectory$qqr20System@UnicodeString
(006789B6) @TUnixDirView@ExecuteParentDirectory$qqrv
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD22) USER32.dll
(0001FD48) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.5

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(008BED3E) C5105_0
(008C0DA6) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BDB60) __ExceptionHandler
(0006248E) ntdll.dll
(0000F15E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BF662) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BADEB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C3BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067A772) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E48E) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F05F) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BB95) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FAC3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00380EE0) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD3A) USER32.dll
(0001FD60) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443E23) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00380EE0) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BF3A9) C5105_0
(008C0983) _ReThrowException
(007BC832) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BF662) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BADEB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C3BF) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.7

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BF00E) C5105_0
(008C1076) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BDE30) __ExceptionHandler
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll
(0006BD81) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BF84E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BAFD7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(007BC292) TTerminal::SetCurrentDirectoryW
(0067BEAA) TUnixDirView::SetPath
(0001B6D9) TCustomScpExplorerForm::DoOpenDirectoryDialog
(00046D40) TScpCommanderForm::DoOpenDirectoryDialog
(00015963) TCustomScpExplorerForm::OpenDirectory
(003C31E0) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A8FC1) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0046A4EE) Tb2item::TTBPopupMenu::IsShortCut

(008BF679) C5105_0
(008C0C53) _ReThrowException
(007BCA1E) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BF84E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BAFD7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(007BC292) TTerminal::SetCurrentDirectoryW
(0067BEAA) TUnixDirView::SetPath
(0001B6D9) TCustomScpExplorerForm::DoOpenDirectoryDialog
(00046D40) TScpCommanderForm::DoOpenDirectoryDialog
(00015963) TCustomScpExplorerForm::OpenDirectory
(003C31E0) System::Actions::TContainedActionList::ExecuteAction
(001A8FC1) Vcl::Actnlist::TCustomAction::Execute
(0046A4EE) Tb2item::TTBPopupMenu::IsShortCut

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote


Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.8

Error message:
Не могу получить имя каталога на сервере.

Ошибка доступа к памяти.

Трассировка стека:
(008BF99A) C5105_3
(008C1A02) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BE7BC) __ExceptionHandler
(0005A466) ntdll.dll
(0000F12E) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007C0142) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB8CB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067CDA3) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067B1BA) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00420C64) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E64A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F21B) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BD51) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FC7F) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0038109C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(0001FD22) USER32.dll
(0001FD48) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00443FF7) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0038109C) System::Classes::_18201
(000152F7) USER32.dll
(00015D35) USER32.dll
(000167BF) USER32.dll
(00016885) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008C0005) C5105_3
(008C15DF) _ReThrowException
(007BD312) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007C0142) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB8CB) TTerminal::ReactOnC

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.8

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BF99A) C5105_3
(008C1A02) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BE7BC) __ExceptionHandler
(0003EF0E) ntdll.dll.ZwWow64CallFunction64
(0003F68A) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007C0142) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB8CB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067CDA3) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067B1BA) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(00420C64) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0041E64A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F21B) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BD51) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FC7F) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(0038109C) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00013D90) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(0003D11F) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(0003D101) COMCTL32.DLL.DefSubclassProc
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(00013D90) USER32.DLL.CallWindowProcW
(00443FF7) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(0038109C) System::Classes::_18201
(00007E6F) USER32.DLL.CallNextHookEx
(000080CC) USER32.DLL
(0000966A) USER32.DLL
(000096DB) USER32.DLL.DispatchMessageW

(008C0005) C5105_3
(008C15DF) _ReThrowException
(007BD312) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007C0142) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB8CB) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.9

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(008BFA86) C5105_3
(008C1AEE) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BE8A8) __ExceptionHandler
(0007E19F) ntdll.dll
(0006BD81) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007C022E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB9B7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067CE8F) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067B242) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E6E6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F2B7) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BDED) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FD1B) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00381138) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00444093) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00381138) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008C00F1) C5105_3
(008C16CB) _ReThrowException
(007BD3FE) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007C022E) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB9B7) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067CE8F) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067B242) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E6E6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F2B7) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BDED) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FD1B) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00381138) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00049AD7) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049B76) COMCTL32.DLL
(00049930) COMCTL32.DLL
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00016AF8) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(00444093) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00381138) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AF19) USER32.dll
(000373E5) USER32.dll
(00036C99) USER32.dll
(00036A7B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.13.6

Error message:
No puedo determinar el nombre del directorio remoto

Acceso a memoria no válido

Traza de la pila:
(008BF022) C5105_0
(008C108A) ____ExceptionHandler
(008BDE44) __ExceptionHandler
(0008341F) ntdll.dll
(000711F1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(007BF946) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB0CF) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C697) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067AA4A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E6C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F297) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BDCD) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FCFB) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045269) USER32.dll
(000361B7) USER32.dll
(000356FA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0007422F) COMCTL32.DLL
(000742CE) COMCTL32.DLL
(00045269) USER32.dll
(000361B7) USER32.dll
(000356FA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(004440FB) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045269) USER32.dll
(000361B7) USER32.dll
(000352E6) USER32.dll
(000350BB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(008BF68D) C5105_0
(008C0C67) _ReThrowException
(007BCB16) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(007BF946) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(007BB0CF) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(0067C697) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(0067AA4A) TUnixDirView::ExecuteFile
(0041E6C6) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(0041F297) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(0025BDCD) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029FCFB) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045269) USER32.dll
(000361B7) USER32.dll
(000356FA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0007422F) COMCTL32.DLL
(000742CE) COMCTL32.DLL
(00045269) USER32.dll
(000361B7) USER32.dll
(000356FA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(004440FB) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(00381118) System::Classes::_18201
(00045269) USER32.dll
(000361B7) USER32.dll
(000352E6) USER32.dll
(000350BB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

Reply with quote


Error getting name of current remote directory - TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.15.1

Error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory.

Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0092636E) C5153_3
(009283D6) ____ExceptionHandler
(00925190) __ExceptionHandler
(00083FFF) ntdll.dll
(00071931) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0081AE16) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0081641F) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006CF3BD) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006CD812) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0044598B) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0044330A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00443F09) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00278809) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(002BBAE3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(003A346C) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0007430F) COMCTL32.DLL
(000743AE) COMCTL32.DLL
(000740AC) COMCTL32.DLL
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0047A29F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(003A346C) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000353D6) USER32.dll
(000351AB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

(009269D9) C5153_3
(00927FB3) _ReThrowException
(00817EBA) TTerminal::DoChangeDirectory
(0081AE16) TTerminal::ReadCurrentDirectory
(0081641F) TTerminal::ReactOnCommand
(006CF3BD) TUnixDirView::ChangeDirectory
(006CD812) TUnixDirView::ExecuteParentDirectory
(0044598B) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::Execute
(0044330A) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DoExecute
(00443F09) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::WMLButtonDblClk
(00278809) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(002BBAE3) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(003A346C) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0007430F) COMCTL32.DLL
(000743AE) COMCTL32.DLL
(000740AC) COMCTL32.DLL
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000357EA) USER32.dll.CallWindowProcW
(0047A29F) Dragdrop::TDragDrop::WndMethod
(003A346C) System::Classes::_18201
(00045359) USER32.dll
(00036297) USER32.dll
(000353D6) USER32.dll
(000351AB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote


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