Integration with Text Editors

You can configure WinSCP to use your favorite text editor for editing files.

See below for details on some popular editors.

If your have your favorite editor associated with text files in Windows, you can have WinSCP autodetect the editor, to avoid manually configuring it. See Use default system editor button on Editor preferences dialog.


Visual Studio Code

Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" !.!


Sublime Text

Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

Sublime Text 2:

"C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe" !.!

Sublime Text 3:

"C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe" !.!


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Hidemaru\Hidemaru.exe" !.!

Replace C:\Program Files (x86) with C:\Program Files on 32-bit systems.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\sakura\sakura.exe" !.!

Replace C:\Program Files (x86) with C:\Program Files on 32-bit systems.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\Uedit64.exe" !.!


Replace Uedit64.exe with Uedit32.exe on 32-bit systems.

If you want WinSCP to open a separate editor for every edited file, in UltraEdit, go to Advanced > Configuration > General > General Application Items > Allow multiple instances.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe" !.!

Replace C:\Program Files (x86) with C:\Program Files on 32-bit systems.

If you want WinSCP to open a separate editor for every edited file, in PSPad, go to Settings > Program Settings > System Integration > Only One Program Instance.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\EditPlus 3\editplus.exe" !.!

If you want WinSCP to open multiple files in the same EditPlus instance, add a -e flag to tell EditPlus to use an existing instance, if it’s already running:

"C:\Program Files\EditPlus 3\editplus.exe" -e !.!


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe" !.!

Adobe Dreamweaver

Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014.1\Dreamweaver.exe" !.!


The path above is for Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014.1 and will change with version.

Adobe Dreamweaver does not preserve end-of-line characters when saving a file. You can either:


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\TextPad 7\TextPad.exe" !.!

Note that the path above is for TextPad 7 and will change with version.

If you want WinSCP to open a separate editor for every edited file, in TextPad, go to Configure > Preferences > General > Allow Multiple Instances to Run.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" !.!

Replace C:\Program Files with C:\Program Files (x86) when using 32-bit version of Notepad++ on 64-bit systems.

If you want WinSCP to open a separate editor for every edited file, in Notepad++, go to Settings > Preferences > Multi-Instance > Always in multi-instance mode. To change the behavior for the instance opened from WinSCP only, use Notepad++ command-line switches -multiInst -nosession.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74\gvim.exe" !.!

Note that the path above is for gVim 7.4 and will change with version.


If you do not want WinSCP to open a separate editor for every edited file, use gVim command-line switch --remote-tab-silent.


Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"%LOCALAPPDATA%\atom\atom.exe" !.!

If you do not want WinSCP to open a separate editor for every edited file, use Atom command-line switch -a.

JetBrains PhpStorm

Command to specify on Editor preferences dialog:

"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2020.1.2\bin\phpstorm64.exe" "!.!"

By default PhpStorm starts in LightEdit mode when opening a file this way. You can disable the LightEdit mode to open PhpStorm in the full project mode. The same applies to other JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm and others).

Last modified: by martin