Synchronization Error in C# Console Code : 32



Synchronization Error in C# Console Code : 32

I encounter sync problem when a file is still opening or processing by other process in C# console application.

So the WinSCP will stop the sync process even other standby files are ready to sync and send an error exception.

Here is I wish to configure the WinSCP option that whenever there is still opening or processing file(s), synchronization WinSCP consider skip/ignore those unable sync file(s) and continue sync other standby file(s).

I found the api and tried using
session.AdditionalExecutableArguments = "option batch continue";
. It is because I saw some past posts use scripting "option batch continue" to skip those problem file(s).

In result, It happens nothing and disconnect from my FTP server.

Below I have attached my log.txt.

Does WinSCP in C# code able to make an avoid/skip those opening/processing file(s)? so that other non-related standby file(s) able continue sync.

While those error sync file(s) throws error exception after sync process finish.

Thank you.

Best regards,
  • log.txt (14.66 KB, Private file)

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Re: Synchronization Error in C# Console Code : 32

martin wrote:

No the assembly does not support option batch continue mode.

So how can I skip those opening/using file(s) during Synchronization?
Do you have any alternative way to allow C# change the batch setting or allows batch operations continue despite some errors??

In WinSCP.exe, I able to ignore the error during synchronization. After that only show error.
The setting was just a tick on Tools -> Preference -> Environment -> Continue on error (advanced users)

Thank you.

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martin avatar

Re: Synchronization Error in C# Console Code : 32

The only option is to exclude the files using exclude mask.

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