Arabic UTF-8 support
Are there any plans to add Arabic UTF-8 (and dare I
say it - CP-1256) support to WinSCP ? Do you have
a time-frame in mind ? Arabic is a bit more
demanding of a language in that it requires Bidi
(bidirectionality) as well as shaping - both of
which are already part of the windows environment.
I know a number of developers on that
are very eager to see WinSCP move in that direction
as they've been making decent headway in adding
Arabic support to Linux/Unix. I'm sure they'd be
more than happy to help if need be or to test any
additions when they are added.
NOTE: Bidi allows RTL (right-to-left) languages to
be displayed properly while LTR (say latin) continue
to be readable. Shaping is the joining of various
characters based on their location within a word
which is done strictly for visual (readability)
say it - CP-1256) support to WinSCP ? Do you have
a time-frame in mind ? Arabic is a bit more
demanding of a language in that it requires Bidi
(bidirectionality) as well as shaping - both of
which are already part of the windows environment.
I know a number of developers on that
are very eager to see WinSCP move in that direction
as they've been making decent headway in adding
Arabic support to Linux/Unix. I'm sure they'd be
more than happy to help if need be or to test any
additions when they are added.
NOTE: Bidi allows RTL (right-to-left) languages to
be displayed properly while LTR (say latin) continue
to be readable. Shaping is the joining of various
characters based on their location within a word
which is done strictly for visual (readability)