Red arrowed symlinks
When I connect to a server and WinSCP displays a directory contents, then if the directory has symlinks it shows them with a tiny red arrow, even though the links are correct (and if I show the column link target it displays the right target). Now if I refresh the directory the symlinks are displayed with white arrows as if they got fixed. Also, if I then nagivate to another directory, symlinks there are displayed with white arrows too. So red arrows are only shown on the very first listing display.
When I connect to a server and WinSCP displays a directory contents, then if the directory has symlinks it shows them with a tiny red arrow, even though the links are correct (and if I show the column link target it displays the right target). Now if I refresh the directory the symlinks are displayed with white arrows as if they got fixed. Also, if I then nagivate to another directory, symlinks there are displayed with white arrows too. So red arrows are only shown on the very first listing display.