Just noticed, probably only with version 5, if I press down arrow the focus moves 1 line down but the whole file list is updated so when it's long it blinks which shouldn't be the case. If you make your WinSCP window as tall as possible you'll see the effect in the worst form. If you keep the down arrow pressed the focus will be running down and the filelist will be blinking all the time.
As I can see, only the part of the list down from the focus is updated. This is strange IMO.
I'm not able to reproduce the issue you describe. Does it happen always or only when e.g. some files are selected, or under any other specific circumstances? Thanks.
No specific conditions. I installed 4.3.5 back to just see that there's nothing like that in it.
Take a look at the pic it may help. The part of the list selected is refreshed in vain. <invalid link removed>
It doesn't depend on full row select option and some other options and happens in both local and remote panels.
Even the WinSCP taskbar buttons blink when I select another WinSCP window. The buttons first get pressed (pushed in, as they should) then quickly jump out and back in and at that moment the filelist is refreshed, so these 2 things are related.
The problem got fixed when I set the option explorer-style selection back to 'mouse and keyboard' (the default option). When it's set to 'mouse only' again the blinking returns. I thought I needed 'mouse only' to be able to select files without holding Ctrl but now I see that rectangle selection in this version works well no matter which setting I select.
But taskbar button blinking remains anyway (and filelist refresh on WinSCP focus).
I tried the dev version and the redundant refresh does not happen in it no matter how I set the option "explorer-style selection".
But taskbar button blinking remains anyway (and filelist refresh on WinSCP focus).
4.3.3 does not have the latter problem.