VBScript works in Windows 7 64-bit Locks in XP WinSCP 5.0.5
Hi this code works fine on Win7 but not XP not sure if I am doing something wrong but what I get after I run it is a locked command line cursor blink and when I close the window it seems to finish up the script with WinSCP> so looks like its launching but not accepting the scripted params in XP, It also does not spit out a log.txt so there's nothing to help debug it and the script doesnt fail just locks with the blinking cursor.
Dim WshShell, OExec, output ' Setup Shell vars. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Setup WinSCP and capture shell output. Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("winscp.com /log=log.txt") 'test@ftp.lfpress.com oExec.StdIn.Write(_ "option batch abort" & vbCRLF & _ "option exclude ""*/; .DS_Store; *.ini; *.tmp; *.mp4>300M; *.avi>300M; *.mpg>300M""" + vbCRLF & _ "open X@X.X.com" + vbCRLF & _ "synchronize local -delete ""ScreenUpload\"" ""/en/""" + vbCRLF & _ "exit" + vbCRLF) ' wait until it finishes and collect its output. output = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll() ' print the output. WScript.Echo(output)