Add directory tree which can execute cd command in PuTTY


United States

Add directory tree which can execute cd command in PuTTY

This is the only way I know how to briefly describe this feature:
"Click on graphical directory tree view to send a 'cd /clicked/directory' to the command line of PuTTY (and execute it)."

Ok, so my personal biggest complaint with using any kind of command line is changing directories... there is a lot of typing involved to get where you want to be, and generally there are quite a few spelling mistakes along the way that end up not taking you where you want to go, but instead you need to re-type the entire command again. I am of course talking about the "cd - change directory" command!

Specifically I am talking about using PuTTY as my terminal/console to access my Linux server over ssh, but this issue goes all the way back to the Windows DOS days as well, and is a problem with any command line interface... there is just no easy to change/navigate directories! The problem also exists when using the WinSCP terminal/console as well... if you want to change directory, you still need to to type "cd bla/bla/bla".

My suggestion is to have some kind of graphical directory tree that would appear in it's own window and could be (for example) docked to the right side of the PuTTY terminal/console command line screen. It would have +expand/-collapse icons for each directory, and clicking on a specific directory would cause a "cd /directory/that/I/clicked/on" command to be executed in PuTTY. What I mean by 'graphical directory tree', is something similar to the Remote File View you see in the main WinSCP window, except it would be striped down... it would ONLY show the Name column, it would ONLY show directory names (no files), and it would not show any buttons/menus of any kind.

It would be accessed by adding a new option under COMMANDS called "Open in PuTTY with Directory Tree". Clicking this option would start a PuTTY session just like normal, but would also popup the directory tree view that could be clicked on to execute the change directory command, instead of having to type cd.

Possible sources of information that may help:
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Hope this a feature worth consideration.


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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Add directory tree which can execute cd command in PuTTY

Thanks for your post. Though shouldn't you send your request to PuTTY team instead?

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United States

I sent it to Putty team as well, but they don't do anything graphical or outside the console window so I would be surprised if they would consider it... plus the current version of putty (0.60) has been in beta for 3 years, so it would be even more surprising if I even got a reply!

I thought this idea would be good improvement for winscp since you already have code for displaying directory trees and opening a putty session.

I guess if it's such a great idea, you will get lots of posts here saying stuff like "great idea ... please add this feature", and otherwise, if I'm the only one that thinks it's a great, this will be the last post in this thread and I will forever be having to type "cd /I/cant/rememeber/the/directory/where/I/put/that/file" ... lol

Thanks for an otherwise great product

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United States

After playing more with WinSCP I have realized that WinSCP has made the need for me to use Putty almost obsolete (and therefore this feature request obsolete).

I was using FileZilla before, and although you can move files in FileZilla, you cannot copy them. You also cannot run commands like tar and unzip from FileZilla. So a lot of what I was doing was flipping from FileZilla to PuTTY to use commands that FileZilla did not do.

With WinSCP most of the commands I used in PuTTY can be accessed directly from WinSCP, uso I rarely need to actually use PUTTY anymore.

Thanks for great piece of software.

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