"Synchronize timestamps only" de-synchronizes instead



"Synchronize timestamps only" de-synchronizes instead

To reproduce:

- Run synchronize - timestamps only on a folder or on selected files
- Remote timestamp is now one hour ahead (e.g. local timestamp = 22:16:12, remote timestamp = 23:16:12)

- Now copy the same file to the remote directory
- Remote and local timestamps match!

Remote and local computer are in UTC+01:00 timezone. Remote is Debian Linux 3.1, local is Windows 98.

If there was an offset in both cases I would have said it's a configuration problem. But getting different timestamps from copy and synchronize looks more like a bug to me. Or am I missing something?

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Can you tell me what version of WinSCP are you using? If 3.8, can you check if you have the same problem with older versions. And vice versa, if you use older version, can you check if you have the same problem with 3.8?

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Re: "Synchronize timestamps only" de-synchronizes instead

The about box says "Version 3.8.0 (Build 312)".

I just tried V3.7.6; that version seems to work ok.

(Edit: Reverting to an older version for synchronizing timestamps-only seems like a feasible workaround; I can live with that for the time being. Thanks for the hint.)

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