posting files

south africa

posting files

i am having a problem to put files into sftp when runnning on server
but if use in debug mode
the files are copying
but the logs i put it saying the files are copied and after copying i am also checking what i copied
and am getting response
Process ASN Backstamp @ 2020/11/07 10:46:23 AM
no of files found2 @ 2020/11/07 10:46:23 AM
externorderkey--> 3257232014 @ 2020/11/07 10:46:24 AM
file createdD:\\FFS\\Backstamp\\ASNBackStamp\\RECADV_3257232014.txt @ 2020/11/07 10:46:24 AM
updated transmitflag @ 2020/11/07 10:46:24 AM
Upload of D:\FFS\Backstamp\ASNBackStamp\RECADV_3257232014.txt succeeded and copied to inbound
files found-->2
RECADV_3257232014.txt with size 392, permissions rw-rw-rw- and last modification at 2020/11/07 10:46:31 AM
.. with size 0, permissions  and last modification at 0001/01/01 12:00:00 AM
file copied to sftp--> D:\\FFS\\Backstamp\\ASNBackStamp\\RECADV_3257232014.txtto folder-->inbound @ 2020/11/07 10:46:33 AM
externorderkey--> 3257232015 @ 2020/11/07 10:46:33 AM
file createdD:\\FFS\\Backstamp\\ASNBackStamp\\RECADV_3257232015.txt @ 2020/11/07 10:46:33 AM
updated transmitflag @ 2020/11/07 10:46:34 AM
Upload of D:\FFS\Backstamp\ASNBackStamp\RECADV_3257232015.txt succeeded and copied to inbound
files found-->2
RECADV_3257232015.txt with size 392, permissions rw-rw-rw- and last modification at 2020/11/07 10:46:40 AM
.. with size 0, permissions  and last modification at 0001/01/01 12:00:00 AM
file copied to sftp--> D:\\FFS\\Backstamp\\ASNBackStamp\\RECADV_3257232015.txtto folder-->inbound @ 2020/11/07 10:46:42 AM
and here the code i am using
please let me know
i am using vs2015 and winscp 5.17.7
    // Setup session options
    SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
        Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
        HostName = sftphost,
        UserName = sftpuser,
        Password = sftppwd,
        SshHostKeyFingerprint = sftpfingerprint
    Console.WriteLine("i am here to connect to sftp and fetch files ");
    using (Session session = new Session())
        // Connect
        // Upload files
        TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
        transferOptions.TransferMode = TransferMode.Binary;
        TransferEventArgs tea = session.PutFileToDirectory(filenameSO, "/inbound/", false, transferOptions);
        Console.WriteLine("Upload of {0} succeeded and copied to {1}", tea.FileName, tea.Destination);
        WriteLog(filename , String .Format("Upload of {0} succeeded and copied to {1}" , tea .FileName , tea .Destination , DateTime .Now));
        WriteLog(filename, String.Format("{0} @ {1}", "file copied to sftp--> "+ filenameSO+"to folder-->inbound", DateTime.Now));
        WriteLog(filename , String .Format("Upload of {0} succeeded and copied to {1}" , tea .FileName , "inbound" , DateTime .Now));
        RemoteDirectoryInfo directory = session.ListDirectory("/inbound/");
        WriteLog(filename , String .Format("files found-->"+directory .Files .Count .ToString() , DateTime .Now));
        foreach ( RemoteFileInfo fileInfo in directory .Files )
            WriteLog(filename , String .Format("{0} with size {1}, permissions {2} and last modification at {3}",
                fileInfo .Name , fileInfo .Length , fileInfo .FilePermissions ,
                fileInfo .LastWriteTime , DateTime .Now));
            Console .WriteLine(
                "{0} with size {1}, permissions {2} and last modification at {3}" ,
                fileInfo .Name , fileInfo .Length , fileInfo .FilePermissions ,
                fileInfo .LastWriteTime);
catch (Exception e)
    WriteLog(filename, String.Format("{0} @ {1}", "file failed copied to sftp" + e.Message.ToString(), DateTime.Now));
    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e);
if possible please

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