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Topic review


Re: Job Scheduler

I'd like to schedule too.

I will be a very useful feature.

M wrote:

I would like to see some type of automated file transfer process where the client will login at a pre-determined time and get or put a file to a pre-defined server. Copy or move options would be nice as well.

Re: Job Scheduler

I gotta second this one. Yes, it can be done by command line... but if I wasn;t going for GUI... why would I be using WinSCP? I think it would be a really nice addition.

Re: Job Scheduler

You may use Windows scheduling capability with any command line SCP tool (such as PSCP).

Job Scheduler

I would like to see some type of automated file transfer process where the client will login at a pre-determined time and get or put a file to a pre-defined server. Copy or move options would be nice as well.