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Not a problem with WinSCP

I'm using the latest version, 4.2.8. However, I don't think WinSCP is a problem. At least in my tests with batch files, it seems to be returning the correct status. If I try to GET a specific file that exists or *.*, it returns a status of 0 and if it try to GET a specific file that doesn't exist, it returns a 1.

What I'm seeking guidance from anyone else on is harnessing this within SSIS. I can't figure out how to get SSIS to loop until it gets a 0 status code from WinSCP.

Thanks for a writing a great program.


What version of WinSCP are you using? Can you try 4.2.7?

SSIS Loop Until Download Successful

I've followed the tutorials and discussions on this and other websites and they've been very helpful - automating uploading and downloading works great.

I have an SSIS package that is using WinSCP a couple of times. The package creates a CSV file and then uploads it to a vendor's SFTP site. This works great. The vendor then screens the data and returns results within 1-3 hours. I've got the SSIS package setup to upload the file and then wait an hour. I'd then like to have it try to download the resulting file - if it succeeds, move on, if it fails, wait 10 minutes and try again.

I'm thinking that a FOR LOOP is the way to go. WinSCP seems to return appropriate ERRORLEVELs, 0 if the GET works and 1 if it doesn't. However, I can't quite figure out how to make it work. I've created a package variable to capture the result and setup the FOR LOOP to look at that variable and loop until it equals 0. I setup the EXECUTE PROCESS task to use that variable for the StandardErrorVariable.

If I set FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue to False on the EXECUTE PROCESS, it just flies through. If it I set it to True, it stops the package from running.

Any advice, either on making this work or a better method for achieving the same thing?

