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Topic review


martin wrote:

AnrDaemon wrote:

Shouldn't "portable" operation be an option, instead of default mode?

It wouldn't be a portable then, would it?

I don't understand this your question. It wouldn't be portable installation, right. But the program itself could still work in portable mode, provided sufficient conditions.
Saying that "it's not portable" because it have portability as option is much like to claim that rain never fall, if it's not raining right now.

It will be easier to switch between portable and persistent mode.
I.e. if you (like me) work with multiple servers from home, and sometimes want to use the same servers from other places, it's easier to keep one file in sync between local profile and some removable media, than to sync registry with file.

It will be easier to maintain, you would not need to support multiple ways to store settings.

Two reasons already.

AnrDaemon wrote:

Shouldn't "portable" operation be an option, instead of default mode?

It wouldn't be a portable then, would it?

It wouldn't need a special handling from the user side, if you'd done it right.
Just proclaim, that, if configuration file is found in the application directory, it will use it to work in portable mode.
If not, it should assume normal mode of operation, with configuration stored in the user profile directory.

Well, I do not see any advantage of using INI file, when stored in the user profile directory, over registry. Can you tell me what advantage do you see?

Shouldn't "portable" operation be an option, instead of default mode?
It wouldn't need a special handling from the user side, if you'd done it right.
Just proclaim, that, if configuration file is found in the application directory, it will use it to work in portable mode.
If not, it should assume normal mode of operation, with configuration stored in the user profile directory.

AnrDaemon wrote:

Any reason why it's not stored in %AppData% directory by default?

For portability reasons.

Any reason why it's not stored in %AppData% directory by default?

Re: WinSCP.ini: Move to another location

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

WinSCP.ini: Move to another location

I would prefer to store the preference file WinSCP.ini in another location, i.e. not in the program directory but on a true crypt volume for security reasons. Is this somehow possible? I don't want to use the registry.

Thanks for any help.
