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Topic review


Ah I see now!

I probably saved the session before I had set the local directory. Now I have been able to easily add sessions, arrange for the local dir to be seen in the left window, then saved this as a session, with a new name.

Sorry for my confusion earlier. This app works nicely as a FTP client where we can see the files and can drag them across. I see there are many more features. I might delve into those one day.

Cheers, proost and ciao


Re: UNC path?

quattrocchi wrote:

I don't know what you mean, specificaly, by a UNC path. I am dead against the virtual folder setup of the My Documents/My Photos/etc ilk preferring to have real folders. So when I arranged WinSCP to fetch my remote directory (right side window) it provided the local folder as 'My Documents'. I changed it initially to my preferred folder on the D drive. But when restarting WinSCP I saw that the cursed 'My Documents' in the left window.

And nowhere can I see to assign the local folder for any given remote folder. Is there such a setting?

Can you describe me step by step, what you do to set default local directory for a session?

Re: UNC path?

I have the same requirement, that I can either associate a local folder with a remote directory, or specify the local folder on the command line so that it goes straight there when I start WinSCP in interactive mode with a specific remote site also on the command line.

My use case is that I support several systems remotely, so have many pre-configured shortcuts to WinSCP on my desktop, each for a different remote site (incl path/directory), but have to navigate to the appropriate local folder every time!

UNC path?

I don't know what you mean, specificaly, by a UNC path. I am dead against the virtual folder setup of the My Documents/My Photos/etc ilk preferring to have real folders. So when I arranged WinSCP to fetch my remote directory (right side window) it provided the local folder as 'My Documents'. I changed it initially to my preferred folder on the D drive. But when restarting WinSCP I saw that the cursed 'My Documents' in the left window.

And nowhere can I see to assign the local folder for any given remote folder. Is there such a setting?

Re: Set Local Folder

Isn't your saved local path an UNC path?

Set Local Folder

I've searched the site to no avail.

How can I designate the local folder, and associate that local folder with a remote folder/directory, and save them both with the 'session'?

At the moment the app opens (Norton IU) a saved session with the remote window showing correctly, but the local folder seems stuck on 'My Documents'. This is plainly of no help. The saved setting had the local folder selected where I keep it, in the place I wrote it. I 'saved' that setting with the session, I thought.