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Re: going back after traversing a symlink

ultramage wrote:

Like, as if WinSCP processed the complex symlinked path and resolved it into a native filesystem path. My friend uses the WinSCP gui and complained about the same thing, so I guess it's a core thing.

It is actually resolved by the SFTP server. Supposing you are using OpenSSH.

going back after traversing a symlink

There is a server with a specific directory layout, where each user dir has a public_html dir that's symlinked to /www/public_html/<username>. I often find the need to follow this symlink and then return back to the user directory. From normal file managers I am used to ending up exactly where I was before, with the same navigation url that was shown before.

When I do this with WinSCP's FAR module, I end up in /www/public_html instead of my user dir. Like, as if WinSCP processed the complex symlinked path and resolved it into a native filesystem path. My friend uses the WinSCP gui and complained about the same thing, so I guess it's a core thing.

Is it possible to configure WinSCP so that it behaves in the more traditional fashion?