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Topic review


I have sent a debug version of WinSCP to your email address.

Yes, in the bottom (client side) graphic above the ctry_usage_200811.png file would be transferred up even though it was just copied down from the server. It appears that the date compares as earlier than the date plus timestamp of 12:00:00 AM.

Re: Timestamp Issue

GPalmer wrote:

Unfortunately, when I update the server with files having a later time stamp from the client, the file is transferred up even though it shouldn't be.

Can you give me an example of local and remote timestamps (as shown in file panels) of file(s) that is incorrectly uploaded? (before it is uploaded)

One other thing I wanted to add, I am using the FTP protocol with this server.

Timestamp Issue

I am connecting to a Windows server which for some reason has files on it most of which are missing a timestamp. I am located in the US while the server is located in the UK so there is a 5 hour time difference I have compensated for in the connection setting. I see this display on the server.
<invalid link removed>

On my local machine, I have transferred these files.
<invalid link removed>

The timestamp on the file with a date and time has been offset by 5 hours (Server time was 4:14 AM) but the time on the file that did not have a time stamp on the server is showing as 12:00 AM. This compares correctly and no file is transferred when I update the local files from the server with files having a later time stamp. Unfortunately, when I update the server with files having a later time stamp from the client, the file is transferred up even though it shouldn't be.

BTW - I was a donor back in May of 2008 (Gregory Palmer) but my donor status doesn't seem to show up on my posts.