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Re: Can I have a remote directory in both panels?

consistency wrote:

to nearly quote the faq:
Can I have a _remote_ directory in both panels (turn WinSCP into a _remote_ file manager)?

The answer would also quote the FAQ ;-)

it would be an option if it would recognize that if the 2nd session is the namely the same as the 1st it should make a cp/mv on the 1st session rather than downloading and then uploading the file again.

If the target session is "this" session, then it does. Please read documentation.

Can I have a remote directory in both panels?

to nearly quote the faq:
Can I have a _remote_ directory in both panels (turn WinSCP into a _remote_ file manager)?

the duplicate feature is a good step, but makes no sense for a high ammount of files or for a very big file.

it would be great to open a 2nd panel of the same server, just with a different directory to have a nice remote commander.

like a midnight commander but not in shell but in windows.

file /var/www/test/data/bigfile.bin
should go to

in the moment i often use the drag and drop feature to fast-move a file, by dropping it on the ".." to move it "out" and then on each directory.
duplicate is not really an option. it would be an option if it would recognize that if the 2nd session is the namely the same as the 1st it should make a cp/mv on the 1st session rather than downloading and then uploading the file again.

but for usability it would be perfect if you can have a real local-running remote file comander