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Re: Extend import fom putty to recognize tunnels

I understand. But you can see that your solution is not generic one, it is specific to particular platform...

Extend import fom putty to recognize tunnels


we have many hosts that can only be reached through a specific host and we use both putty and winscp.

If a tunnelled connection is defined in putty it would be neat if this was recognized by winscp.

We log into the first host and then have that host connect further on (as the same user in our case). ssh agent forwarding is turned on

Does this make sense?

(Registry export of putty session: is the first hop (which is called the tunnel in winscp)
Then remotecommand,
"RemoteCommand"="ssh -p <port> localhost"
is the next connection.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"ProxyTelnetCommand"="connect %host %port\\n"
"RemoteCommand"="ssh -p <port> localhost"
"Font"="Courier New"