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Topic review


This feature has been implemented already. It will be included into the next major release.

Steve wrote:

Sorry no, I'm using my laptop in both locations. The university wi-fi gives a different fingerprint than from my home network.

I'll see what I can do about that.

Sorry no, I'm using my laptop in both locations. The university wi-fi gives a different fingerprint than from my home network.

Re: rsa2 Fingerprints

I guess you are using an INI file to store the configuration, which you share between home and university, do you?

rsa2 Fingerprints

Please can you add support for multiple rsa2 fingerprints for a given server? I connect to the server both at home and from university, and since it is the univerisity FTP, I ge a different fingerprint whilst on campus. Hence, everyday I get lots of warnings and I never know for sure who I'm connecting to.

I attempted to just make a different profile to connect to, but it would appear you store the fingerprint for the server rather than for the profile.
