commands are indeed supported.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
commands are indeed supported.
instead of DebugLogLocation
– now it's more manageable.
commands, one after another, it was only executing the first sync command. I searched for documentation but couldn't find whether or not multiple synchronize
commands should be supported, followed by a single exit
, so I'm not sure if I was just mis-scripting or if it is not supported. Can you confirm?
for the scripts, I couldn't run them all sequentially (each one starts before the prior completes) so I was faced with 2 choices:
and create individual script files before running (possibly overwriting before running to not clog things up)
. I have been running this initial sync for about a day now and my log file is over 50 GB. I may run out of hard disk space before the initial sync completes. Haven't decided how I will handle, but I already re-coded the script to allow me to pick a spot to resume instead of re-running all sub-folders, in case I do need to change something.
commands, line by line. Is there some limitation on the number that can be listed? Is there somewhere else I should be looking for output other than the log file specified on the command line?
open...(this all works)
cd "/Shared/TEST"
lcd Y:\
synchronize local -mirror -delete -preservetime=all -criteria=size -filemask="Y:/; .\*.*\; .\*.*\DC\ | *.rvt; Y:\Forms\; ./_Empower/" Y:\ "/Shared/TEST"
it does nothing. However, it is still including things like /Shared/TEST/1234 Project/Do Not Copy This.txt
and all of the contents of /Shared/TEST/1234 Project/IgnoreFolder/
, as well as /Shared/TEST/ThereIsNoDCInThisFolder/
/Shared/Active Projects/[Anything]/[Anything]/
and files like /Shared/Active Projects/[Anything]/[Anything]
" but I am trying to limit it to the contents of /Shared/Active Projects/[Anything]/DC/
/Shared/Active Projects/[anything]
is "excluded from synchronization"
folders (should be target since I specified local
) are "excluded from synchronization", before it even does the remote. Why would it even check the local? Maybe this is part of the problem, but it doesn't seem like it is the whole problem.
/Shared/Active Projects/
local target is Z:\*.*
(a mounted drive).
/Shared/Active Projects/[anything]/DC/[everything]
/Shared/Active Projects/
as the root when I start) each with and without a /
on the end:
/Shared/Active Projects/*/DC