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Re: SFTP recycle bin error 4

Thanks for your suggestion.
We will see, if more people ask for this.

SFTP recycle bin error 4

I use an SFTP (OpenSSH) connection and I really like the WinSCP remote recycle bin function. It's really very convenient.
But there are many servers on which I experience the problem of using Recycle bin with the occurrence of error code 4.
It seems to me that the problem is in my openSSH SFTP or that the disk partitions look like this:
folder                  100G     1G      65G     1%    /folder

folder/app              100G     1G      65G     1%    /folder/app
folder/home             100G     1G      65G     1%    /folder/home
folder/logs             100G    24G      65G    24%    /folder/logs

I have no right to influence these settings. My recycle bin is located in /folder/home/user/trash and when I modify or delete a file, for example, in /folder/app/file, the file cannot be copied to my recycle bin. And that's very bad for me.
Also, I cannot use Duplicate & Move to... functions with exactly the same error.

But for me, the Duplicate method + the Duplicate via local temporary copy option works very well.
Martin, is it possible for the recycle bin function if SFTP error code 4 occurs to make the duplicate via local temporary copy option? It would have solved my problem.
