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Re: "Not Released Yet" ?

martin wrote:

These are changes I have done locally. There are not available publicly yet.

Aha... great!

and also wrote:

I do not think that new version will be out within one month.

Thank you, that's what I needed to know!

Best wishes.

Re: "Not Released Yet" ?

JohnGH wrote:

Does that section document the enhancements which have been included in the latest CVS version? or is it the "To Do" list for the next release?

These are changes I have done locally. There are not available publicly yet.

If it's not likely to be released in the next month or two I'll just go ahead and try and get them to move to 3.7.6.

I do not think that new version will be out within one month.

"Not Released Yet" ?

Nazdar Martin,

I hope I'm posting this in the appropriate place.

In the "What's new" / "Recent Version History" in /docs/history the latest entry is for "Not Released Yet".

Does that section document the enhancements which have been included in the latest CVS version? or is it the "To Do" list for the next release?

If it's the current CVS version, is it any indication that we're close to 3.7.7 being released? if so, is there an expected release date?

I'm preparing to go through the difficult process of requesting that a global company upgrades their company-wide roll-out of WinSCP from 3.7.1 to the latest version, and it would be a shame to go through the whole excercise to get them to 3.7.6 if 3.7.7 is due out in the next few weeks!

If it's not likely to be released in the next month or two I'll just go ahead and try and get them to move to 3.7.6.

Děkuji :o)