Winscp 5.9.0 .NET Library
Script running under Powershell 3.0
Using Sftp
When the below code runs an error appears that it cannot delete file, the file is not a file though. It's an Actual directory.
$logpath = 'C:\logs\Incoming'
if (!(test-path $logpath))
new-item $logpath -ItemType Directory
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
Add-Type -Path "C:\Winscp\WinSCPnet.dll"
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$remotePath = '/Test/Incoming/'
$localPath = 'C:\Test\Incoming'
$HostKey = "ssh-rsa 2048 50:e8:d0:20:ea:45:98:28:7f:4w:59:89:b9:19:49:99"
[int]$port = 22
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = "myserver"
PortNumber = $port
UserName = "testuser"
Password = "Secret"
SshHostKeyFingerprint = $HostKey
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Download files
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
$transferOptions.ResumeSupport.State = [WinSCP.TransferResumeSupportState]::Off
$transferOptions.FileMask = "*.*|.no_delete,*.tmp,*.part"
$transferResult = $session.GetFiles($remotePath, $localPath, $True, $transferOptions)
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
$Filename = $transfer.FileName
Write-verbose ("Download of {0} succeeded" -f $transfer.FileName)
# Disconnect, clean up
Exit 0
catch [exception]
Write-Verbose ("Error: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
Exit 1
catch {
write-verbose " F A T A L -- E R R O R"
add-log $logpath -data $_
The remote side stores a hidden file on the server (Linux) called .no_delete (to protect directories from deletion) and as you can see we don't download that as it's in the exclusion FileMask option. The error that is displayed is
[8/3/2016 2:09 PM] An Error has occurred: : Error deleting file '/Test/Incoming/AccessPoint'.
General failure (server should provide error description).
Error code: 4
Error message from server (en-US): Directory is not empty
Common reasons for the Error code 4 are:
- Renaming a file to a name of already existing file.
- Creating a directory that already exists.
- Moving a remote file to a different filesystem (HDD).
- Uploading a file to a full filesystem (HDD).
- Exceeding a user disk quota.
The file that's mentioned in the error is not a file it's an actual Directory.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.