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Topic review


Thanks :)

Re: Allow edit doc to bypass filter

OK, I've thought I've fixed this in 3.7.2
Bug fix: When downloading file to editor, Exclude mask and operation mask were not ignored, what prevented editing some files.

But I've fixed it only for downloading, not for uploading :-(
Thanks for info.

Allow edit doc to bypass filter

This should be a fairly simple adjustment. Since right-clicking and editing in WinSCP allows you to open a document for editing purposes (bypassing the default filters), when the document is saved, it should also be uploaded bypassing the default filters. Currently, it does not.

When mass-moving files, I don't want a configuration file to be overwritten, so it's on the default exceptions list. However, when right-clicking and selecting "edit", and opening it in EditPad Pro, the file opens fine, but does not re-upload after saving any adjustments that I've made.

Thanks :)