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Re: script to zip and copy files from one server to another server

While you can use WinSCP for this. I'd say that some shell script/commands (invoked remotely via SSH, e.g. using plink.exe) is a better solution that using a file transfer client.

script to zip and copy files from one server to another server

I need a Script to do the following and was wondering if WinSCP is capable:
zip and copy a file from one folder on one server, and paste it into a different folder on a different server.
the issue is that the files are large so it must be compressed first, and then moved to a completely different server.
the sql backups are run from the sql server job queue, and are scheduled so the script would need to watch for when the file hits the folder, zip it and move it to the new server.
This will become a scheduled nightly task on the two servers.
I don't even know where to begin..... so i decided to ask for help.
any help will be greatly appreciated!!!