Hello, I'm trying to setup a connection for POC that I'll then modify so that it connects to an external vendor and retrieves a file for us. I looked through some recent posts and saw similar questions but it didn't look like they applied exactly. I've been using the open command page and the session url, and useful scripts pages for assistance on the command and syntax. Here's the error I'm getting...
I have connected to this host with the gui so I know connectivity works from host a to host b, and that it's not the first time they've shared files...
File (currently):
option batch abort
option confirm off
open sftp://user:password@host.company.com -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
get "test.txt" "C:\Program Files\Winscp\test.txt"
Error (before -hostkey argument):
C:\Program Files\Winscp>winSCP.com /script=test.txt
batch abort
confirm off
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
The server's host key was not found in the cache. You have no guarantee that the
server is the computer you think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
If you trust this host, press Yes. To connect without adding host key to the cac
he, press No. To abandon the connection press Cancel.
Continue connecting and add host key to the cache?
(Y)es, (N)o, (C)ancel: Cancel
Host key wasn't verified!
Authentication failed.
C:\Program Files\Winscp>
Error after using the -hostkey
C:\Program Files\Winscp>winSCP.com /script=test.txt
batch abort
confirm off
Too many parameters for command 'open'.
C:\Program Files\Winscp>