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I'll think about it.

Also it just seems to be right after login - when I go to for instance /var and start typing 'log'. So I guess after folder is loaded, it is cached or something.

The issue does not occur, when the directory is loaded from a cache.

martin wrote:

The difference between 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 is what happens when you start typing while directory is still loading. With 5.6.3, nothing happens. This is not exactly what you describe, but I believe that it is actually the same issue.

Ok is there any way around this? I usually go to the same folders a lot, and like to just type very fast to get there. I know I can use profiles/bookmarks but usually it's faster to just type.

Also it just seems to be right after login - when I go to for instance /var and start typing 'log'. So I guess after folder is loaded, it is cached or something.

I will try with 5.6.2 to compare.

Edit; just tested with 5.6.2 and the problem is not present there, so it started with 5.6.3.

Oh and Happy New Year btw :)

The difference between 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 is what happens when you start typing while directory is still loading. With 5.6.3, nothing happens. This is not exactly what you describe, but I believe that it is actually the same issue.

Hello Martin,
I think the 5.5.5/6 didn't have it but I have been using 5.6.3 for some time now and it's present there.

It's not a big issue for sure but it gets annoying when I use the keyboard all the time to select directories by typing. It only seems to occur at the start of a session, and since we have servers locally the dir-listing is very fast which might be why I notice it. Usually one would have a remote server and possibly not notice because the time it takes to list.

The delay is just a few seconds but sometimes it won't let me type at all and I have to press down arrow to get focus.

I move a lot to the same folders and usually do it without even looking so for me it's very noticable when it gets stuck.

Re: 5.6.4RC: Delay when using keyboard to navigate after login

Thanks for your report. What is the last version that did not have the issue?

5.6.4RC: Delay when using keyboard to navigate after login

I notice when using the RC (and previous versions), there is a quite noticable delay when using the keyboard to move around on remote host.

To reproduce (it's tricky so might have to try more than once)

- Login to Linux ending up in /home/username
- cd twice up using backspace to /
- using keyboard, go to /var (v-a-r), press enter
- quickly start typing the name of a dir in /var for instance log, spool or cache.
- notice focus/cursor is not moved and appears stuck on '..'

Possibly repro-able on other server types as well but I don't have others to test.

Version 5.6.4 RC on Windows 2008 Server R2, 64-bit.
Connecting to RHEL 6.5 x86-64 using SFTP (also SCP)

This has been present in the latest versions as well, and hoping it doesn't make it into the Final.