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Re: not able to sftp macbook air from windows 10 laptop through winscp

guest5475 wrote:

How do I transfer files from Windows to Windows using WinSCP?
Pls help


not able to sftp macbook air from windows 10 laptop through winscp

How do I transfer files from Windows to Windows using WinSCP?
Pls help

Alternative for Mac OS X

You can use the Cyberduck FTP client.
It is freeware and has full support of SFTP/SSH Data transfer.

Markus Zeller



For the reversed day/month problem: Workaround is to use SFTP instead of SCP. Reportedly this has been files as a bug on Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther). Refer here.

For plus sign after permissions: Workaround for this has been implemented in WinSCP 4.0.5. Also using SFTP instead of SCP should solve it.

For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: How I install WinSCP on Mac Powerbook

You have to be kidding me. Why would someone waste their time with that?

Noob wrote:


WinSCP is a great tool, in fact the only sync solution that I trust without going to cvs or svn (which could easily backfire). My problem is that I use all operating systems to some degree but none in depth. Can you illustrate how to write a script in UNIX (bash) that will do exactly what WinSCP does under windows? Or just a listing of the commands? This is to sync between an OSX or SUNOS machine to a network archive that is remote via ssh or scp or sftp. The local sys-admin refuses to help out so you could show him what an idiot he is...

Re: How I install WinSCP on Mac Powerbook


WinSCP is a great tool, in fact the only sync solution that I trust without going to cvs or svn (which could easily backfire). My problem is that I use all operating systems to some degree but none in depth. Can you illustrate how to write a script in UNIX (bash) that will do exactly what WinSCP does under windows? Or just a listing of the commands? This is to sync between an OSX or SUNOS machine to a network archive that is remote via ssh or scp or sftp. The local sys-admin refuses to help out so you could show him what an idiot he is...

Re: Please let me know how to install WINSCP for MAC OSX

ramny_star wrote:

i am having a Macbook with me. Please tell me how to install WINSCP fpr my mac book.

WinSCP is Windows application.

Please let me know how to install WINSCP for MAC OSX

i am having a Macbook with me. Please tell me how to install WINSCP fpr my mac book.

Use SFTP instead of SCP fixes the "plus" problem


I had the "plus" problem with a MaxOS server today ... it seems that the problem occurred because I had forced WinSCP to use SCP rather than SFTP ... in SFTP everything works fine.

Re: Another MACOSX error

Can you post an example of such listing?

Another MACOSX error

Just FYI, I'm getting an error using winscp in macosx. In this environment, the "ls -l" command adds a "plus" sign sometimes.

From "man ls" I get this:

"If the file or directory has extended security information, the permissions field printed by the -l option is followed by a '+' character"

I've read about your concerns about using scp and even posting this kind of errors, but hope this will help improving this excellent tool. Thanks for your effort.

Re: addition

Please, search the forum, before asking, this was asked too many times already. For example here.

BTW, why you want to use SCP instead of SFTP?


Btw, I am using the scp, not the sftp (the sftp works)

WinSCP and Mac OS X Panther


First of all I would like to say that WinSCP is a very nice tool. But now I am experiencing some problems. The server to which I was always connecting to has been upgraded from Mac OS X Jaguar to Mac OS X Panther. In the past WinSCP was working well, but when I connect to that server now, I get the message:

Unexpected directory listing line '-rwx------ 1 werner staff 7944 12 Nov 2003 .xscreensaver'.
'2003 .' is not a valid integer value

And it's not only on my user account, also other users are experiencing the same problem. We have also another Mac OS X Panther desktop computer and when I connect to that one, the problem persists.

Anybody has a solution for this ? Has it got something to do maybe with a change in the "ls" command or so ?
I tested it with the latest new version (3.6.1 build 221) of WinSCP, installed on a Windows 2000 and a Windows XP computer.
