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Topic review


Thx, that worked fine.

larsen wrote:

As I have many connections, I tried to change it for one and then checked the INI file, but I couldn´t find a changed setting for the host. Where in the INI is it saved?

In recent versions of WinSCP, it is a default. So an absence of UpdateDirectories key makes it turn on.

That could be a workaround.

As I have many connections, I tried to change it for one and then checked the INI file, but I couldn´t find a changed setting for the host. Where in the INI is it saved?

Re: Set a default directory to use when the previous one...

You can make WinSCP not remember the last used directory and always start in configured folder.
Just uncheck Remember last used directory:

PS: Could you increase the maximum length of a subject in this forum? A little bit too small to create a meaningful subject.

OK, added to TODO.

Set a default directory to use when the previous one...

I often open sessions that last time had a local directory opened that now doesn´t exist anymore. Each time I get a warning and WinSCP uses some user folder.

I would like to get rid of that warning message and specify a default directory that WinSCP uses if the old one cannot be opened. Is this already possible or could you put this on the wish-list?


PS: Could you increase the maximum length of a subject in this forum? A little bit too small to create a meaningful subject.