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Re: Suggestion for remote site editing : reconnect if needed

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Suggestion for remote site editing : reconnect if needed


I was making tests with winSCP, and I noticed something that, if adresssed, would improve the user experience.
This is not a bug report, just a suggestion to improve the program :)

Here's what I did :
- click "Edit" for a remote text file, I had winSCP associate them with notepad++
- save updates in the text file, observe they're immmediately uploaded to the remote server
- now, disconnect from the remote server
- try saving the text file again in notepad++ : impossible, WinSCP says me that can't be done, the session has been closed
- reconnect manually WinSCP to the remote server, try saving the file again in N++ : same deal, can't be done, session was closed.

And here's what I would suggest :
- that winSCP automatically reconnects itself to the remote server when the need arises, to upload a new copy of the updated text file
- that if we reconnect winSCP manually, it accepts again to update the text file from the still open text editor session

I know that can be done, I've seen programs like filezilla do that. However, I apologize, I have no idea how specific that can be, if this is too much too ask maybe.

Well, that was it for my suggestion :)
Once again, thanks for the great software ! :)