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Topic review


Re: managing frequent hostkey changes

If there's a set of servers (load balanced), the best solution is to list all hostkeys in the script (semicolon separated in the -hostkey switch).

If you cannot get list of all hostkeys, you can use -hostkey=* with the latest beta version. But you give up any security by doing this. Make sure you understand the implications.

You should upgrade in any case.

managing frequent hostkey changes

Hi all,

I have a vendor that uses some kind of load balancer or hosted server solution and they frequently change servers/hostkeys with no notice. So my script breaks.

Is there a way to automate acceptance of the new hostkeys with no intervention? I use the -hostkey switch,

-hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"

but it's not clear if you have to specify each hostkey. I'd like to accept whatever hostkey they give us, as we get them. Am I stuck with reacting to these unexpected changes each time?

If it helps, I use the winscp.exe and am on version 4.3.5
