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Case sensitive matching for "filter" function

I use WinSCP to fetch files from the voicemail directory of an Asterisk (Linux) VOIP PBX (when I clean out the folder). I'm copying to Windows. Asterisk stores two audio files for each voicemail and names the files thusly:


They are each the same voicemail, just in two different encodings. Windows "likes" the encoding of the files with the lower case extensions. When I try to copy all of the files, of course to Windows msg0001.wav and msg0001.WAV are the same file and I get prompted as to what to do with the duplicates. If I tell it to keep the first and not overwrite, I get a random selection of some .wav and some .WAV. What I'd like to be able to do is filter for *.wav and have it be case sensitive and show me just the files with the lower case .wav extension. This would let me copy just those without having to shell to the Asterisk box and delete all the .WAV (capital) files.

Thanks for a great product!