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Re: Download, check latest and automate the process

newwin wrote:

Is the hostkey mandatory for file download from SFTP ?

It is strongly recommended.

2. Next day, if there's a new zip file on the SFTP Server and then I have to download the file
i.e. every day I want to compare my local with remote(STP Server) and if the file on the SFTP is latest then I wanted to download.
Is this something which we can achieve through Synchronization ?


3. What are the best options for the above 2 steps to be automated ?

Please start here:

Download, check latest and automate the process

Hi All,
I'm new to WinSCP and i have a task to be accomplished :

1. Download a zip file from an SFTP Server
I saw in the documentation -
open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
Is the hostkey mandatory for file download from SFTP ?
2. Next day, if there's a new zip file on the SFTP Server and then I have to download the file
i.e. every day I want to compare my local with remote(STP Server) and if the file on the SFTP is latest then I wanted to download.
Is this something which we can achieve through Synchronization?

3. What are the best options for the above 2 steps to be automated?

Any suggestions on the above?

Environment: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1