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Re: windows to windows sync

Please post a log file using the GUI with the same version of WinSCP.

I just tested the same script with the latest BETA release and I'm still getting the same results. No file syncing is occurring.

windows to windows sync


I'm just getting started in scripting using winscp. (version 4.3.8 Build 1771)

I'm been trying to write a script that'll sync all my remote files with my local files. So far I haven't had much luck.

Here is my script:

option batch off

option confirm off

# Connect - format: user:password@host
open myusername:mysecretpassword@www.myproductionserver.something

synchronize remote -delete -mirror -nopermissions "S:\webs\staging.myserver.something\htdocs\mysubfolder" "/D:/web/roots/proweb19/wwwroot/asubfolder/mysubfolder"

# Disconnect

# Exit WinSCP

Now I'll place a TXT file in the mysubfolder of my LOCAL server and the file NEVER makes its way to the remote server.

I've tried the above command, plus tried taking out -mirror and -nopermission and still no luck.

When I use the GUI all of this works like a charm.

I've attached my log file.
