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Re: Option for prohibit multiple user to open file at the same time.

shinwook wrote:

We want something like checkbox option to prohibit user from opening file that is already been opened by other user by double-click on file.

This is not really possible, as WinSCP cannot know that unless the server tells it.
And only WebDAV servers support this commonly.
Actually SFTP protocol does allow this too in theory. But I do not know of any SFTP server that actually implements this functionality.

Option for prohibit multiple user to open file at the same time.

Currently, there is a bug that when i double-click file on remote directory, it opens files with read/writing mode. And when i change contents of file and save, it automatically affects files on remote server. We want something like checkbox option to prohibit user from opening file that is already been opened by other user by double-click on file.
Our employee usually work like following : One person checkout file and update and check file back into remote. During this process, other person can't work on that until file is check back in. So if winscp allow many people open same file and change file, the integrity of file is damaged.

Bug has been tracked for like 10 years old but status is still new so i thought posting on new feature may be more adequate.