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Re: Sessions editor

pong wrote:

Why the session name is set in the separate windows during session saving? I think it is more transparent to have the session parameters all in one window (the session name, destination host name or IP address, port etc.).

The login dialog can be used also to open "ad hoc" session. Most of the people would be confused, asking what to enter as session name in such case.

How to copy the session if I can create more new similar sessions with the same parameters? They differ in TCP port only or in last IP address byte e.g.

Load it, modify it, and save under different name.

Sessions editor

2 requests or questions how to:

1. Session name change
Why the session name is set in the separate windows during session saving? I think it is more transparent to have the session parameters all in one window (the session name, destination host name or IP address, port etc.).

2. Session copy
How to copy the session if I can create more new similar sessions with the same parameters? They differ in TCP port only or in last IP address byte e.g.