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Thanks for looking into this Martin.
For a workaround I just attempt to open a connection to the host using a raw TCP connection and then just check for the SSH ID string within a certain time.

OK, indeed, the timeout does not seem to work correctly. I'll look into it.

I'm using the SCP protocol.

Log files attached. Timeout set to 2000 ms in this instance. Values less than 1 second show as 0 in the log.

What protocol? Can you post a log file?

Thanks. I tried this as well, using the SessionOptions.TimeoutInMilliseconds and SessionOptions.Timeout, but it's not having any effect on the open timeout.

Session.Open() timeout variable

Is there a user configurable variable for the timeout of the Session.Open?
I've tried setting Session.Timeout to 1000 ms, but it seems to be taking ~22 seconds to time out on an unreachable host regardless.
