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Topic review


Ok, stinks for me...thanks anyway...

Re: Adding permissions via command line to existing bat file which includes inherited custom exe.

Sorry, but we cannot support 3rd party program here.
Your existing syntax (special.exe put C:\local\out\ remote/in/ y) is not a valid "WinSCP" syntax. So it's obvious that special.exe uses a different syntax than WinSCP. So we cannot advice, how to modify the syntax for your new needs.
If you want, we can help you re-implement your functionality using WinSCP proper.

Adding permissions via command line to existing bat file which includes inherited custom exe.

Ok, well the subject says it all.
The current bat file contains:
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\special.exe put C:\local\out\ remote/in/ y
As you can see we hit up an inherited exe to then help with the put.
I tried doing something like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\special.exe put -permissions=755 C:\local\out\ remote/in/ y
which logs this: session xmlns="" name="C".
I assume the C is just referring to everything after the put & permissions.
My question is this...given the original bat file, is there a way I can add the needed permissions, with out finding and updating the original "special" exe? ( Currently we don't have access to the source...don't ask...)
Thanks for any help.