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Topic review


Thanks for your feedback.

the beta you sent seems to behave as expected Martin, looks good!

Re: Recursive creation of directories

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Re: Recursive creation of directories

OK, will look at this.

Recursive creation of directories

when browsing syncronised, often I want to copy a remote directory several level deep in the directory hierarchy, when I have no equivalent folder (or its parents) created locally. Currently, I have to click down one directory at a time, answering yes to the 'create' prompts, one at a time.

If I go directly to a nested dir (via the tree browser panel), after the 'would you like to create' prompt, I get an error "The System cannot find the path specified" - I assume this is because the direct parent dir is missing?

It would be nicer if the question changed to "Would you like to recursively create the path to" and made all the parent folders.