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Topic review


Re: Night time color scheme

@tfrancois: Sent.

Re: Night time color scheme

@martin: Hi just in case you missed my post on the other thread, PLEASE can you send me the link to the development version with the DARK theme! I need it so badly! Thank you!

Re: Night time color scheme

Dark theme has been implemented now.
I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: WinSCP not following Windows 10 dark theme

@usn.mustanger: What "Windows dark theme" did you enable? The one in Windows 10 Settings? That applies to UWP apps only. There's no built in dark theme for desktop apps in Windows 10 (except for the high contrast themes, which are not nice). But if you install 3rd party dark theme, it will work for WinSCP.
There are some links in other posts on this topic:
Issue 1696 – Dark theme

WinSCP not following Windows 10 dark theme

Martin, I've seen you mention a few times that WinSCP will follow the Windows color scheme, but I can't figure out how to enable this. I've had Win10 dark theme enabled for a while, and I just installed WinSCP (latest stable build as of today), and it's still bright white everywhere, with no apparent option to make it follow the Windows dark theme.

How can I make this work? The bright white is burning my eyes! ;)


I'm missing the same feature!

In case you're referring to the Windows 10 theme selection, that one does not target classic/Desktop programs, only the 'modern' stuff.
MS has restricted the uxtheme.dll so without hacking it (which brings additional problems), Desktop theming is limited.
Additionally, a dark theme will not be desired (or will sometimes look fugly) for all applications.

As far as making it easier on the eyes at night, consider using a software like f.lux which reduces the blueish component of the display color during nighttime. Note the Windows 10 has such a night mode, too.

Re: Night time color scheme

Cannot you just set Windows theme to dark? WinSCP would follow that.

Night time color scheme

I've been using WinSCP for a bit now however, the only thing missing for me is a dark theme for us nighttime keyboard bangers.

Most dev/support apps now support some form of dark theme for those of us that find the blaring white hard on the eyes at 3am (Even Chrome's inspector has a nighttime option).

I'm not requesting a total theme extension, just a secondary primary option that sets the entire interface to a dark theme (unfortunately the current view > color option is just too simple).

I'd be happy to volunteer to convert any gui graphics to a dark theme version if that would help.

Just for reference, I'm referring to something like (google images: "chrome dark theme"):
